Prolouge - Welcome, But Not Home

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You were (Y/N)- A demon that has severe regret. Let me explain.

You commited murder. Sounds boring, but hear me out. There was a time where people were at a museum. You somehow got through security without them finding your gun, and with that, you shot down everyone you could before getting a bullet in the back by the police.

Your back is STILL sore.

You couldn't remember why you did it. It felt like ages ago. All you knew is that you regretted it, and HARD. The only option was the stupid hotel around the corner.

You didn't want to do it. You didn't want to look like a fool, not like the demons on TV. But you had to if you wanted to make up for what you done.

You proceeded to walk towards the entrance before a million questions raced your mind. Was this what you wanted? Are you sure you wanted to go through with it?

You eventually made up your mind. You knocked on the door.

Behind the door was Princess Charlotte, or Charlie, if you will. She seemed rather desperate, but it was clear she was trying to hide it.

"Oh, hello! So what are you here for?" She smiled.

You gulped. "Well, I was wondering if I could be redeemed."

Her eyes sparked. "Wait, really?!"

"Yup. Wanna improve on some things." You nodded.

She suddenly picked you up in a tight hug, spinning you around in circles while jumping.

"EEEEE! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" She squealed, nearly crying.

"WOAH, WOAH, EASY- IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL-" You tried to reassure.

But she ignored you, instead immediately pulling you in and shoving you at a desk with a grumpy cat avian behind it.

"Husk, take it away. We have a visitor!" She cheered, skipping away.

He simply rolled his eyes. "Name?"




"Demon type?"




He wrote all this down before handing you your key. "Welp, you're all set. Your room is 496."

"Alright, thank you." You nodded, taking it.

You walked into the direction of your room. Fourth floor. Seems simple enough.

Suddenly, you bumped into a child. She looked up at you with one yellow eye and one blue eye. 

She almost looked like if someone panicked for some reason, dumped buckets of bright colors onto a person, put on a couple of additions, and called it a character- oh wait, that's exactly what happened.

She had blush pink skin, pale green hair with pastel blue, pastel yellow, and bright pink streaks in the middle of both the main hair and buns- as for the style, think of a bob haircut with space buns wrapped in light purple scrunchies.

Her dress was almost akin to a japanese uniform- except it was yellow with a blue rim and a pink collar, and there were big blue polka-dots on the lower half. She had a dragon-like tail with a tuff of the green, pink, blue, and yellow hair on the end. She had bright pink and light blue "wings" on the bottom of her arms, which moreso resembled a cape.

Okay, enough of what this child looks like. You suffered enough.

She grinned a toothy grin, extending her hand. "Hi! I'm Karma! I like history musicals! What about you?"

You were startled by this colorful abomination, but you shook it anyway. "Oh, uh- (Y/N)."

She just giggled. "Have you met Baxter? He's SO cool! He is a fish! And he's SO SMART!"

"Er, no, but he sounds nice." You shook your head.

"Well, what are you waiting for then?! COME MEET HIM!" She offered, taking you by the hand and running to a vault.

"Woah- uh, okay!" You chuckled as the bat demon zoomed down the hallway.

She then knocked on the vault. "Dad, I want you to meet someone!"

Scoffing could be heard from behind it. It was slightly attractive, to be honest.

"For the last time, Karma, I'm not your dad. I am your mentor, and nothing more. And I DON'T WANT TO ME-" He started as he opened the door, only to be startled by your presence.

Karma was right, he was a fish demon- anglerfish, if you wanted to get formal. He was a greenish navy color, completed with bright blue freckles. He had blood red eyes that captivated you, as well as some yellow goggles.

You blinked. "You okay, buddy?"

He gulped. "Er- yes. But... But don't expect me to be kind!" He screeched, not sure on what to say.

You turned to Karma. She just shrugged.

"And... Here's some advice-" The fish demon continued. "You are welcome here, but this place is not your home. It never has been, and never will be. You. Are. Not. Here. To. Stay."

The kid smirked mischievously. "Stay~."

"SHADDUP!" Baxter scolded.

Oh, these demons are idiots. Gotta say something.

"Never said it was. Just wanted to clean up my act is all." You sassed.

He seemed startled. "Yeah, well... I HAVE TO CLEAN UP MY LAB!" He yelled, running back into his lab and locking the vault.

You just stood there in confusion. That was weird.

The child pat your shoulder. "He's like that with everyone. You'll get used to it."

You smiled, a blush growing on your cheek. "Yeah, I think I will."

She noticed your expression. "Ooh, is someone helpless?"

"Oh, hush." You pouted, only to send Karma into a laughing fit.

"I was just kidding." She snickered, wiping a happy tear. "But have some ACTUAL advice."

Your eyes gleamed in interest. "Go on."

"When you are around him, talk less..." She began.

You raised a brow. This was getting weirder by the second.

"...Smile more." The bat demon smirked.

You rolled your eyes. "Oh, you just love that musical, don't you?"

She nodded. "What gave you the hint?"

You just sighed. Looks like you're stuck with a theater kid.

...But maybe you will try her advice.

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