Chapter 1: Come's in Uchiha Sasuke

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The first new weeks with a newborn were a bit hectic. Especially with two fully-fledged shinobi where one knows nothing about babies and the other only remembers when his son was a baby (who matured quickly) but, as the years went along and Sakura from a few months turned into a fully-fledged six year old who's a favorite thing to do in the world is to follow her big brother Kakashi.


Now at the academy integration ceremony, Sakura is calm and cool externally but on the inside, she is jumping up and down with excitement. The excitement. suddenly stopped When a tall man came next to her and her family. "Hatake, I didn't know you had another child." Sakumo just stood there with that warm fatherly smile as ever "I adopted her after the Kyuubi attack."

While her father is busy talking to the tall scary man Sakura notices a boy hiding behind said man's pant leg. Sakura looks at the boy for a moment and the boy is immediately smitten. Who wouldn't a cute small pink-haired girl with big green eyes, and, Sasuke being the arrogant little shit he is decides that he wants to have her attention be her friend so unlike any normal person walks up to her and demands:

"Be my friend!"

Sakura looks at the boy like he has some screws loose and, calmly goes "No." This did go well with the growing Uchiha and he didn't understand why this girl outright rejected his oh so generous offer (in his eyes) so he voiced it out "Why"

Sakura sighed getting fed up with the boy's antics and chose to give it to him straight and plane "Because you are an arrogant twerp who doesn't know what manners are! I mean seriously haven't your parents thought you what please and thank you are. If you asked me 'May I be your friend please' I would have said yes but no, you all out demanded it. You arrogant jerk!"

Sakumo had just watched the entire thing and was toppling over in laughter his little girl told the Uchiha off and he couldn't be more proud. On the other hand, the boy's father is not so much amused "Watch your tongue brat"

Sakura now realized what her cool big brother Kakashi meant by 'Uchiha's being a pain in the ass to deal with' and wholeheartedly agreed with him.

The bell rang and stopped Sakura from telling of the Uchiha off some more.

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