Corruption (pt. 1)

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(A/N- just a heads up, the next couple parts contain a bit of violence and angst!)

The moment I arrived at Wangshu inn one night, I knew something was terribly wrong. A dark aura seemed to sink into the very building, reeking of something familiar that I couldn't place- though I knew I'd felt it before. Everyone looked at ease around the inn, milling around and eating and talking. At the foot of the stairs I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the prickling, needle-like feeling all over my skin, and headed up. With each step, the heavy feeling grew, feeling like heavy weights being draped over my shoulders.

By the time I was on top of the roof my hands were shaking. It felt hard to breathe- the very air had become thick with dark oppression. I needed to talk to Xiao- he must be here-

A small, white paper waved from underneath a roof tile. I hesitantly knelt to pick it up- but the moment I did, the aura of oppression seemed to slash at my hand with a barbed claw. Slowly, I knelt and leaned forward to read the sharp, red ink.

I can't be here tonight.

Oh no. My mind leapt ahead to the worst case scenario, the only thing that would explain the note, the tainted air. Xiao. I sprinted downstairs to where Verr Goldet sat, ever at attention, at her desk. "Hey, Goldet- have you seen Xiao anytime recently?"

"No, I haven't... why? Is something the matter?"

"No. Just wondering." I plastered a fake smile on my face and immediately left the inn, gliding from the inn to land in the even darker marsh. I'd seen Xiao here sometimes. I rushed through the swamp, worry mounting inside me with every moment. The dark energy was here too, not as potent, but I could feel it, dripping from bowed blades of grass, collecting in the hollow of a stump. I teleported somewhere else, searching, asking friends. With every "No, sorry" or head shake, my calm smile became even more difficult to keep up. Finally I ran up to Mount Aocang- the last place he could possibly be. 

Not a single fire was lit. The empty, still  scene terrified me. The wall holding back my panic crumbled in an instant.

"Xiao?! Xiao, are you there??" I yelled. My voice echoed around the mountain agonizingly slowly. Fear sent chills up all over my body. "Xiao??" I called even louder. More echoes. No Xiao. "XIAO! I NEED YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Y/N?" I caught sight of a swirl of green and black sparks behind me and spun around. I saw him, standing several feet away- in the shadows. "What happened-"

I rushed forward, reaching out- but my body screeched to a halt. The dark energy was all around him. He backtracked when I moved and stopped when I did, his whole stance apprehensive. I couldn't see him. But wait- if I squinted, there were two faint embers of red. Where gold should be. "Xiao...?" My voice was little more than a wavering whisper, sounding sad and desperate. "What... happened to you...?"

I saw Xiao tense, shifting his weight. "Nothing." his voice was cold and made of stone- I couldn't tell what he was feeling at all. "I... left a note. Did you not get it?"

"Yes, I did! That's why I called you- I was looking for you! There's darkness all around you- it felt like it was haunting the inn!" I forced my words out.

"...I apologize. But I'm fine. I just have too much to do tonight."

"You're not fine!" I cried, anguished. Of course he would deny it. He wouldn't want to see me upset. "Don't think you can just lie to my face like that. I know what's wrong. Xiao, talk to me..."

"There's nothing going on-"

"Yeah, right! Then why are you hiding in the shadows?"

"I'm- not at my best right now."

"All the more reason for me to help you- please Xiao, don't push me away..."

"I can't let you get involved in this." Ah, he slipped- that was definitely fear. He's scared of me getting hurt. That's usual, but why is he being so insistent now...?

"Trust me. I can take care of myself. I just want to help you out-"

"I can't! I need- just- one more night. By myself. Trust me." His voice shook, his fear even more obvious. "I need you to trust me. Just tonight, y/n."

"I always trust you and you know that. But I am not leaving you alone while you're acting- while you're feeling like this!" I gestured vaguely at him. "I can sense what's wrong, Xiao. I need to help." I edged forward hesitantly. He didn't move. I took a full step, my whole body tense. I saw his arms shaking now, as I got even closer. I felt as if I was approaching a skittish wild animal... but the sinister atmosphere demanded all my focus to think straight.

One more step- and he lifted his head to meet my eyes. My heart shattered into a million pieces. Dark, sharp red had clouded over the amber-gold of his irises. Tinges of black were around the inside of his eyes, and all the color had been bleached from his face. But what terrified me the most was his expression- he was hopeless. Crushed. Despairing.

"Xiao..." I lifted my hand towards his face but he flinched away, looking down. "W-we need to find someone- one of the other adepti, Zhongli, someone-"

"What could they do?" Xiao's tone was soaked in bitter helplessness. "It's too late. T-the god from centuries ago. I knew this would happen-"

"They're alive?? How? Where??"

"No. Never again. They had... cursed me. Every curse strikes sooner or later... I was lucky. But now I've just been careless-! Taking too many diseased souls-" Xiao shook his head and I felt the anger and fear radiating off of him, feeding the corruption.

"But you didn't know, you were helping people! How would that make the curse stronger-?"

"It's not just one. It's many. Never have this many come at once- I can't do anything anymore. Nobody can. It's too late." His dark eyes shone with tears. "It's too late." he repeated in a whisper. I reached up again, and ignoring the cold hurt, took his face in my hands. His eyes widened and he tried to move away, but I pressed my forehead against his, and he froze.

"It will never be too late. I am never going to stop fighting for you. Even when it seems hopeless. We have allies- friends... we're stronger together. We can help you-" Xiao cut me off with a quiet, bitter laugh. Chills raced up my body as his skin went from cool to freezing- but more because of the laugh. Xiao grabbed my wrists, yanking them away from his face, straightening up.

"You don't understand." His eyes narrowed as he grimaced in pain, one hand clawing at his chest. "It's too late."

"No, Xiao, it's not-"

"NO!" he screamed, twisting to lash out with a kick. His heel struck me right in the torso and I stumbled back with a gasp. "IT'S TOO LATE. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!" his voice was raw and grating- smashing the splinters of my heart.

"Xiao, please listen to me!" I rushed forward but- a flash of light blinded me for a moment- then something deadly sharp and cold pricked my throat. I froze. A jade spearpoint was at my throat, and Xiao's grip was steady as ever on the pole. "Xiao. Please." I begged, failing to keep my voice steady.

"No. D-don't follow me." A single tear raced down his cheek, though no sign of remorse was visible on his face.

He can't fight it. He can't trust me.

"Wait!" I tried to stand but the spearhead bit into my skin. I felt a single drop of blood roll down.

"Don't make me kill you!" Xiao screamed. "Stay away from me. I never want to see you again." he hissed. I never knew he could actually say that. It hurt more to hear than if the words were being burned into my skin.


"Y/n." Clarity flooded into his gaze for one moment, replacing the fury. "I love you." he whispered. I opened my mouth, but his spear suddenly swung around and everything went black with an explosion of pain in my head.

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