Loneliness (pt. 1)

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I let out a deep sigh as I hugged my legs to my chest, surrounded by the quiet, whispering wind. I didn't feel well today. I was tired... and sick of being tired. The quiet around me was soothing, but at the same time I desperately longed for someone to keep me company. But asking for someone to be there just because I was lonely... that's selfish. I closed my eyes, wishing for the one person in Teyvat that could always cheer me up... my lost twin. With their bright smile and warm hugs... we knew each other better than ourselves. When I lost them... it felt like I'd lost part of me. I was so scared when I first arrived in Teyvat, a new strange land full of strange people. I kept looking to my side, reaching out for their hand... before remembering they weren't there anymore.

"So why'd you have to leave me..." I whispered, hiding my face. I could all too clearly see them giving me a forlorn look. "We will be reunited." they'd said, stepping into a swirling void. I couldn't talk, couldn't think. "We can be reunited now! You don't have to go." Is what I'd wish I'd said. Anything to stop them from leaving. A part of me was still missing. But now it felt like it'd been torn away from me instead. I should talk to someone... right? But then I'd have to act like I'm fine... when I'm not, I miss my sibling so much... I wiped my eye, not realizing that I'd started to cry. And now I'm being stupid. I'm going to see my sibling again, they said so... but how long would I have to go without them? I sniffed, eyes watering terribly.

"Traveler?" I jumped at Xiao's quiet voice. "Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you-"

"No, no it's fine." I swiped at my face, scared to be caught like this. "W-what's up?"

"... I saw you crying."

"Uh-" I covered my face with both hands, shaking my head. "No- yeah, maybe, but I was just being dumb-"

"You're not being dumb." he stepped in front of me and his hands gently pulled mine away. I looked down but he cupped my face, turning my head towards him. His golden eyes made me freeze in place, tears rolling freely down my cheeks. He looked more worried than I could've imagined. And scared... helpless. "Don't shut me out... I'm here for you. You were there for me so many times. I- I don't know exactly what to say. But I want to be here for you." He wiped tears off my face but it didn't help. "D-do you want a hug-" he hadn't even finished speaking when I threw my arms around him, sobbing. "It's okay... just let it out." he whispered, his arms gently settling around me.

I cried until I ran out of breath, but couldn't bring myself to move. Xiao was warm and safe and... I loved him. For being there and caring. "T-thanks..." I sniffed as I rested my chin on his shoulder. His silken hair brushed my face, carrying the faintest smell of Qingxin flowers.

"I'll always be here, y/n. Don't dare think otherwise." he said.

"I know." I closed my eyes. Moments before when all I felt was cold, now I was surrounded by heartmelting warmth. I was right when I said only one person could make me feel better. I just didn't know who... until right now.

"If there's anything I can do, please let me know. I care about you so much, y/n."

"I will... I just want a bit of time for now. I want you to stay, though- I don't want to be alone." One last tear rolled down my face. "Anything but being alone."

"Sh, I know. I know. You'll never be lonely, I promise. I'm going to be here, forever. For you, alright?"

"Alright..." I felt a weight vanish from my chest, and leaning into Xiao became so much easier. 

Somehow, I felt like I was fitting better with him... just as well as I had with my sibling.


(Hey there, sorry this part is a bit shorter than the others! I'm trying to think of some real interesting and fun ideas for the new few parts, and apologies if I'm slow at uploading. Hope you've all enjoyed the stories so far, and thank you so much for reading! <3 ~Acorn)

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