Moonchase Festival

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The night was quiet and cool... and dark from Wangshu inn's roof. I was waiting, counting the constellations high above... until a glowing yellow orb was unveiled from the blackness between the tree's branches, and began drifting down. I blinked several times and rubbed my eyes as it just barely swayed back and forth on its path down. It was as if the tree had dropped a mysterious, ripe fruit. 

I laughed when I saw what it was- a lantern. I stood and held out my hands, catching the light paper craft. A minuscule candle was suspended in the middle, quite warm right by my hands. The paper was decorated with sketches of qingxin, and I knew who it was from.

"Do you like it?" a silk-smooth voice came from behind me and I turned, joy bubbling up in me when my eyes met Xiao's. They seemed to glow just as bright as the lantern, deep gold and brilliant amber. His features looked warmer in the candlelight, accented by his small, prefect smile. The smile he only ever wore around me.

"Xiao... it's been some time. I've missed you." I said, unexpectedly feeling a rush of guilt. "I know it's no excuse, but there's been so much going on in Inazuma, and there's so many people that need help-" My mouth clamped shut when Xiao slowly reached up, hesitantly reached out... and cupped my cheek in his hand. His touch instantly swept away my nervousness. All so familiar, and kind and warm... 

"Don't apologize. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in so long too... I'm so glad you're back. I... want to ask you something."

"...what is it?"

"The lantern." Xiao nodded down at it, still held delicately in my hands. "There's... something written on the inside." His hand fell away and he glanced down, bright red slowly blooming on his cheeks.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Why, Xiao, are you blushing?"

"W-what?? No!" His hand flew up to cover his face as he stuttered. "I-I'm fine! Are you going to look in the lantern now or what?" he snapped.

I giggled quietly. I couldn't resist teasing him at least a little... But I turned my attention back to the lantern, spotting a folded-over corner. I tugged carefully and a small piece of paper slid right out. Xiao took the lantern, face still red as I raised the paper to read it. My eyes widened at the slanted, sharp writing- or more like, what it said.

Will you go to the Moonchase Festival with me?

"The... Moonchase Festival?" I said carefully, looking up. Xiao turned his head, grip tightening on the lantern.

"It's... the Festival starting in Liyue... A celebration of the seasons changing. There will be events and quests set up by the Adventurer's Guild... but it is a holiday." Xiao took a deep breath before meeting my eyes, clearly scared but even more determined. "I wanted to invite you to go with me. E-even though I know I don't know how long you can stay- and it's fine if you have to go back to Inazuma, or-"

"To make a request, but then prepare yourself for rejection? Now why would you do that to yourself?" I joked.

"H-huh? Don't use my own words against me! That's unfair." Xiao frowned. But his sour look faded in a blink. "But... you can stay?"

"Of course! I'd love to go celebrate with you, Xiao!" I exclaimed. 

"R-really?" His eyes went comically large. I nodded, beaming. "Are you... sure? You'd want to go with... me?" he leaned over slightly, his tone feather-light with hope.

"Yes!" I repeated happily, placing my hands over his, which were still holding the lantern. They were shaking.

"I've... imagined asking you before. I couldn't at the Lantern Rite. I didn't even know how to feel about you then. But..." he cleared his throat, stopping his train of thought. "I'm very happy you accepted." His confident words made me fall twice as hard for him, all over again.

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