He stay on his position while staring at me. Without any thought I move closer and rest my body to him laterally.

"Want to go shopping?" He murmured but enough for me to hear. I shook my head before I start to open my mouth.

"Waka I know, I'm good enough to stay beside Shin but why not me?"

I stare at my foot before chewing a small part of the lollipop.

"I met him first before her, I know him first but who is she?" stretching his arms behind my back he pull me closer to him and caress my hair gently.

"Who knows Elle, Who knows?"

I sight and hold onto his uniform tightly. After a minute passed I decide to broke the hug and fix my devastated self.

"I should get going now, thank you for accompanying my broken ass."

Wiping my dried tears I laugh a bit on my quip. He just nod and turn his back on me before walking away.

"What the fuck Waka??"

Watching him walk away makes me laugh. I made my way to my house, and spend all day crying while drinking the wine that Mr. Peter bought here.

I woke up in the middle of the night as void feelings greet me. I feel nothing but pain and the ache of my inner emotions.

I stare at the window just like the winter fall, the cold breeze hug me with a sorrowful feeling.

I let my tears fall before I stand up in my bed. I will only hurt my self if I continue to be alone here.

Wearing white silk dress, stilettos and a nice perfume scent to my body. I look at my frame and tighten my jaw. rather do anything than sulk here, I need to move on, I need too.

Shin is happy, Shin is finally in love even if it's not me I should be happy.

Shin deserve it but I also deserve it.

Getting my small purse I made my way out of the house.

With a black fur coat I look for a night club, this would be my first time but who cares? I want to be happy, I want to feel some dopamine.

As soon as I found one that look like a high class bar, I enter it without any thoughts.

"Miss I.D?" The bouncer stop me and within my fingers I raised my valid identification card that Mr. Peter made for me.

He said that I should at least experienced things like this with a great protection. I smirk when the bouncer let me passed.

The wild crowd greet me as I roam the placed, high with alcohol and some medicine the party roar lively making me swayed in that moment.

I sit on the stall and look around as I take off my coat.

"One hard drink."

The bartender nod and gave me the drink that I ask for, After drinking it in a gulp I ask for another one. Starring at the crowd someone suddenly sit beside me.

"Oww that's a bottle up, Want some?"

He said after giving me a small plastic, I shook my head and smile.

"I'm good with this."

Then raised my glass. After finishing my drinks I stand and join the rowdy crowd.

"Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it

Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

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