
Start from the beginning

"Then I shall find you." Maeglin turned to Glorfindel and flashed him a smile as they stopped by the gates to Tugron's private property. "I thank you for the company, my lord."

"It was an honor, my prince." Glorfindel tipped his head to the brunette. They paused for a moment, before Maeglin averted his eyes and turned to walk through the gates. Glorfindel was left to stare after him, not quite sure why his heart rate was elevated and his cheeks warm.

A full year and a half later, and shared lunches were a bi-weekly occurrence, as well as almost daily dinners. These dinners led to late night walks in the garden, the late hour serving to the  further loosening of their tongues. The topic had somehow landed on Glorfindel's orgins.

"I was born and raised in Valinor." Glorfindel had offhandedly mentioned the two trees, and Maeglin had turned to him eyes wide with excitement and curiosity.

"You saw the trees?! Were they truly as magnificent as they say? Is that why you glow?" Maeglin bounced in front of Glorfindel, forcing him to stop walking.

Glorfindel was struck with a sudden fondness for the ellon. "They truly were magnificent. Yes, I suppose I do glow. However, in the moonlight, your skin shines magnificently as well. I daresay you would have rivaled Telperion."

Maeglin looked shocked for a second, then doubtful. "Truly?"

"Of course. You are very beautiful." Glorfindel was suddenly aware of how close they had become. He could see every detail of Maeglin's eyelashes, every silver flare within dark chestnut eyes. Their height was not so different, Maeglin reaching up to Glorfindel's eyes.

Maeglin turned away sharply and took several steps forward. Glorfindel was struck with an acute feeling of loss.

"Maeglin?" Glorfindel rushed to catch up with his fellow lord. "Is everything all right?"

Maeglin turned around, his face blank. "Of course. I thank you for the wonderful time you showed me this evening. Have a good night." Maeglin began to walk away once more.

"Maeglin!" Glorfindel ignored the ache in his chest at the abrupt dismissal, instead pulling on his knowledge of communicating with others. "Is there anything I said that I should avoid saying in the future?"

"No, you have done nothing my lord. I am simply tired." Maeglin shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and nodded to Glorfindel.

"Alright, is there anything can do to make you feel more comfortable right now?" Glorfindel used the low, soothing tone he would have used to calm a spooked horse.

Maeglin's hands shook where he held them hesitantly in front of himself. His lips parted silently, and he stood frozen, staring at Glorfidel. Glorfindel stepped forward slowly, keeping his hands in view and his steps even and measured.

"Maeglin, is it okay if I touch you?" Glorfindel asked, aching to comfort. Now in front of Maeglin, Glorfindel still received no response.

Maeglin's eyes were clear as he stared at Glorfindel in a mix of helplessness and desperation. Glorfindel cautiously wrapped Maeglin's still shaking hands with his own. The pale elf's breathing only sped up, and Glorfindel frowned in concern. "My friend, what ails you?"

Maeglin whimpered and pulled away, stumbling backwards and falling into the grass. "I'm so sorry, please don't torture me any longer, my lord! I can't take it."

Glorfindel straightened up in alarm. "What do you mean? How have I caused you harm? I assure you, it was not intentional!"

Maeglin bit his lip, gazing up at Glorfindel with intense, tear-filled eyes. "It is no failing of yours, I-I'm sorry."

Glorfindel gulped, worried by Maeglin's distress. He knelt next to the brown haired ellon, pulling Maeglin into his arm's. Maeglin sniffled and burrowed deeper into Glorfindel's embrace. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this."

"It is nothing, my dear. I know you are so, so strong." Glorfindel murmured, pulling Maeglin into his lap, and gently stroking Maeglin's back.

"But my feelings! They are so, horrid, my lord you would be angry." Maeglin clutches at the back of Glorfindel's tunic, feeling very small.

"I can promise you I will not be. I care for you deeply, and our relationship would not be soiled in a heartbeat." 

"Truly?" Maeglin rested his head over Glorfindel's shoulder.

"Try me." Glorfindel responded in a light tone.

"I think I love you." Maeglin's voice was shaky, and Glorfindel froze. "I think I'm in love with you and I'm really scared."

Glorfindel tensed, his mind not comprehending the words he had heard. He had not even considered the possibility of their relationship taking that turn. Though, thinking of it now, he had always been drawn to Maeglin in a way he had no others. When Maeglin had first appeared in Gondolin, he had been a child, and so Glorfindel's protectiveness, curiosity, and obsession had been somewhat excusable. However, Maeglin was more grown up now. He had earned his place in Gondolin, and was soon to have his own house. As much as Glorfindel tried to tell himself this was a bad idea, he could not deny his own interest in the brunette.

"Please say something." Maeglin's quiet voice brought Glorfindel to the present.

"I... I had not thought of that possibility, much." Glorfindel tightened his grip on Maeglin when he made to get away. "But I am certainly not opposed to exploring it, and I am very glad you told me."

Maeglin pulled back to look Glorfindel in the eyes. "I will have my own house soon, within a few weeks at most. When that happens, may I have the honor of courting you?"

"Please." Glorfindel answered Maeglin breathlessly, impressed by his boldness. He struggled to resist the urge to prematurely kiss Maeglin right then and there. Instead Glorfindel tucked Maeglin even deeper into his arms, cocooning his soon-to-be-more friend.

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