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Prompt: "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified." - This is set in Gondolin after Maeglin had recently left his father. Also blatant disregard to Maeglin/Idril bc I felt like it.

Glorfindel's first impression of the young elf was sweet and earnest. Maeglin didn't seem to understand how to interact with others, but was eager to learn and always polite. He was quick-witted, and beyond his dramatic entrance involving the deaths of Aredhel and Eol, he made no trouble whatsoever.

Maeglin and Glorfindel did not speak much, at first. They knew each other through King Turgon, but did not interact outside of court situations. A good deal of the Lords of Gondolin judged Maeglin's pale complexion and several tattoos, and there were whispers about his father. Glorfindel neither engaged nor prevented these things, choosing to silently observe.

Their first personal meeting was quite ironic. Glorfindel shone like the sun, and Maeglin was pale as the moon, so it was only fitting that they met under starlight. Glorfindel had been working late one night, and decided to end the evening with a stroll through the starlit paths of the lower city. Halfway through his walk, Glorfindel had observed Maeglin exit a working-class house with a small smile on his lips. Several children crying "Farewell!" after Maeglin could be heard, along with a parent hushing them. 

Glorfindel observed the rare smile on Maeglin's thin lips, and the bounce in his step as Maeglin turned in Glorfindel's direction. Neither of these had ever been present when Glorfindel had observed Maeglin in court.

"Good evening, Prince Maeglin." Glorfindel greeted Maeglin.

Maeglin's head jerked up and his smile tensed. "Good evening, my lord."

As Maeglin made to walk past Glorfindel, Glorfindel made a spontaneous decision. "Would you mind if I accompanied you?"

"I reside in the King's house." Maeglin answered. Glorfindel paused to consider this. It did not sound like a refusal, more like Maeglin was thinking of convenience.

"I would not retract my offer on those grounds." Glorfindel was careful to keep his tone light. He did not understand why, but it felt important that he did not scare off this young ellon.

Maeglin nodded, seeming to be searching for something to say that would break the awkward silence.

"How is your work in the forge coming?" Glorfindel remembered Rog had mentioned that the youth enjoyed metal craft.

"Good." Maeglin nodded and pursed his lips, looking to the side and shrugging awkwardly.

"That's good." Glorfindel wasn't sure what to say next, and he was beginning to doubt that Maeglin wanted to talk to him.

"I could show you something I've made, if you like?" Maeglin offered after a moment of hesitation. Glorfindel frowned, slightly taken aback by how personal Maeglin's offer was.

"I would love that." Glorfindel responded without thinking his words over, then internally cursed himself for how eager he had sounded.

"I have a few finished projects in my room, if you would like to accompany me?" Maeglin glanced at Glorfindel from out of the corner of his eye. Glorfindel's heart thudded in his chest. Between two adult elves, Maeglin's statement could easily be interpreted in another way. Even though Maeglin was of age, he was still younger than Glorfindel and the King's nephew.

"Perhaps tomorrow? It is quite late." Glorfindel countered. "I would enjoy seeing what you have made, and if you are open to it, we could dine together afterwards?"

Maeglin relaxed, perhaps having been worried after thinking over his previous words. "That is quite agreeable, my lord. Shall I seek you out?"

"I will be finishing a meeting in your Uncle's house around 10:30 on the veranda." 

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