"I didn't break our only way to call for help and lie about it! This isn't my fault its hers! She-"

"I'm here to spy!"

Sammy yells, stopping Brooklynns rant. She seemed on the verge of tears, I felt bad for her but shes gotta have good reasoning right?

"For a company called Mantah Corp..."

"Mantah Corp? They're a bioengineering company... big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs too but Wu beat them to it"

"You doomed us all for some lousy company?"

Ben raises his voice, holding Bumpy closer to him.

Everything happening annoyed me. We just watched someone else die and we're fighting? Over a phone? The most useless thing we would own?

"Our ranch was in trouble... So my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn't know they were fronting for Mantah Corp... They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind the scenes access I'd get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab, DNA from dinos and whatever else they needed."

Sammy was definitely close to crying now, what she's gone through for Mantah Corp is horrible, she seemed so happy to make friends here... That wasn't fake... right?

"And then Brooklynn caught on and I got scared and then everything went wrong... This is the last thing I wanted to happen..."

Yasmina scoffs "oh? To be next to a broken van on killer dinosaur island? Hey me too! What are the odds?!"

"Yas i-"

"Was it all a lie?! Wanting to be friends? Pretending you cared about... you just needed someone to hide what you were doing! Tell me I'm wrong."

Sammy starts crying now. Immediately I step closer to her, turning her towards me and hugging her. I probably shouldn't have but she did it for her family

I would have done the same in her place.

"Shhh, its okay. Now you lot need to shut up and understand, the dinosaur didn't escape because of Sammy. The phone wouldn't be helpful with zero connection and it would probably be dead now anyway with no way of charging it."

I looked at Brooklynn, who huffed and turned away before I continued

"You can still be angry but yelling? When we can be attacked at any moment? Not a idea... Look, I'm mad too but I'm not gonna let us all be in danger because of how I feel... You don't have to forgive her right away but in all honesty, we're wasting time to get to the boats..."

Brooklynn and Yas didn't care but the others gave small nods

"Go away Sammy." Yas tells her, and she does, she doesn't go far though

I walk over to her again, giving her a side hug as Spike calls by her legs, careful not to catch their spikes on her

Spike started to get restless and a loud roar followed by moments later. Everyone quickly ran our of eye sight, behind the van while yelling

Then a helicopter followed after the idominous rex

"Misranis helicopter! That's his call sign on the tail!"

"They're shooting at it!"

Everyone started to follow

"Hey! Maybe we shouldn't follow the killer dinosaur and armed helicopter! Just saying"

But they continued, a loud smash echoed from the Aviary and the helicopter was swarmed by Dimorphodons and Pteranodons

They continued to swarm as the helicopter slowly fell down and smashed into the aiviary, the loud noise of glass shattering on impact

prehistoric feelings (Ben pincus x reader)Where stories live. Discover now