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My story, all right. That's going to be hard. My name is Aylin Tomaz. And my life is insane. And horrible. I was born in 2009 with my twin sister, Zari. We grew up in DC together and we were inseparable. After our baby brother Behrad was born in 2020, we moved to Seattle. Worst. Mistake. Ever. Seattle turned into a dystopia where we were punished for being Muslim. Alongside my two younger siblings, we banded against A.R.G.U.S. That was until my brother died. We were being chased by A.R.G.U.S. He told me and Zari to run. He stayed. They took our family's most prized possessions-the air and fire totems. The air totem was wielded by Behrad and I dropped the fire totem in our escape. Zari and I were outliers. We moved from one abandoned warehouse to another, avoiding A.R.G.U.S. Zari and I were actually captured by A.R.G.U.S. but escaped during a transport incident the night before.

"Come on, Z, we gotta go." I told my sister as she gathered her belongings.

"I'm almost done, Lin." The last thing she packed, she stared at for a few seconds. It was a family photo of all of us, me and Zari age 12, Behrad age 1.

"Zari and Aylin Tomaz?" A voice came from behind us. In sync, we turned around. There we were met with a blonde woman and three men, one with a heat gun, one who was wearing a star spangled outfit, and the third wearing an electronic suit.

"Come with us if you want to live." The man in the star spangled outfit put his hands on his hips profoundly.

"Yeah, I used that one once." The electronic suit man said.

"Come on, let's get out of here." The man with the heat gun said.

"Yeah, we don't know who you guys are or what you think you're doing, but you're gonna lead A.R.G.U.S. right here." Zari and I pushed past the group.

"No, don't worry. We can protect you." Electronic man assured us.

"Who's gonna protect you?" Zari asked them. She nodded her head at an A.R.G.U.S. drone that was floating above their heads.

"This is A.R.G.U.S." Zari and I hacked into A.R.G.U.S.'s database and deleted our faces from the drone's view. "Sara Lance, Nathaniel Heywood, Raymond Palmer, and Mick Rory, you are listed in the meta human registry as missing. You are hereby under arrest for violating the anti meta human act."

"Anti meta human?" The Nathaniel dude asked Sara.

"Yeah, meta humans have been illegal since 2021. Didn't you guys get the memo?" I asked them rhetorically.

"Well, nice to meet you, we're out." Zari said as we both started to walk away.

"Wait, your life is still in danger." The man who I presumed to be Ray said. He took a step forward as the drone fired a laser which landed in front of his foot.

"Remain where you are."

"Ditto." I informed him. "Bye."

"Detainment units have been notified." Zari and I glanced at each other, knowing we needed to get out of there and we knew exactly where we were going to go.


Zari and I were at our bar when one of the men, who I assumed to be Mick, from earlier approached us.

He groaned as he sat down next to us. "You run, scream, or sic one of those drones on us, I'll light you up. Got that, missies?"

Zari, who was closest to him, moved in closer. "Are you stalking us?" She asked him honestly.

"Not me, but for some reason my boss has a bee in her bonnet about protecting you both from that, uh," He flagged down the bartender. "Water bitch." He finished. "Not you, sweetheart." He flirted with the bartender.

"Yeah, we can take care of each other." I told him. "We've been doing it ever since we were born."

"Is that right? That's why you're both in this bar. Looking to hire muscle?"

"Look, you can trust us. We're the good guys." Ray said as he, Sara, and someone else I didn't know approached us. He removed his fake eye patch and beard. "Oh, don't be fooled by our disguises. Good guy!" We looked in between the group, noticing the same water assassin who had tried to kill us less than 48 hours prior.

"It's her." Both Zari and I said.

"Let's get out of here. Come on." Mick led Zari and I away. Just as we reached the exit, the water bitch, as Mick called her, appeared in front of us. "Oh, a pool party."

"Cute tricks." Sara commented.

We all watched as the two fought. "Get them to the ship!" Sara instructed the rando and the nerdy cute Ray who did as she said.

A SKY FULL OF STARS-RAY PALMERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ