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Without intending to, Minho had just placed himself in one of the worst possible situations. He had made a promise to Jinyoung and now he had to fulfil it, the problem was he would have to choose between his two best friends. He had two options, the first was to kill Jisung and help Hannah. The second was to let Hannah and maybe chan die but save Jisung. The possibilities were endless, there was no telling how this would play out and it was only until Minho sobered up that he realised he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

Jeongin has swiped the keys from one of the workers, he wasn't sure which ones he has taken so he walked around the garage clicking the buttons. He eventually managed to navigate his way to the chosen car, it was some random Lexus. He had gotten a text message earlier, it was Jungkook and he wasn't happy. Jeongin was tired of putting up with his playboy bullshit and he was going to put the older into his place. He slipped into the car and sped away, he wasn't going to seem like a pussy. Jeongin was known for always following through, if he said he is going to do something then he's going to do it. He could cheat the chimes of his phone as Jungkook taunted him through messages. "Let's see if you are as confident in real life as you are in text," Jeongin said to nobody in particular. As the speed dial climbed higher and higher so did the nerves, Jungkook didn't scare him it was just that Lee know would most likely be angry with him. Bangtan was an ally to levanter and the rest of the members were good friends. It was too late to back at now.

Jeongin reached his destination, he could see a car in the opposite direction parked with the headlights on. He glanced at the glovebox, he had a backup plan just in case things went sideways. He pulled down the lid reached for the gun. Jungkook stepped of his car and Jeongin did the same. They stood opposite each other like the stand-offs in the cowboy movies. "I thought you wouldn't show," said. Jeongin had to refrain from rolling his eyes. "Don't be an idiot, you knew I was going to come" he replied. It was awkward, the two just stood across from each other waiting for someone to make the first move. "Why did you text me? You waited days after the incident we had to ask for a fight? Were you bored?"  Jeongin asked. Jungkook tsked and shook his head. "I was told I should come here, it was taehyungs idea," he said. "Do you always do everything your superiors say?" Jeongin asked, tilting his head to the side in a mocking manner. Things were finally starting to heat up a little as Jungkook took a step forward, I.n doing the same.

"You have no right to talk about my superiors, do yours even know where you are right now?" Jungkook was right on that one, nobody knew where he was. "Look, you are wasting my time are we going to do this or not?" Jeongin asked. Jungkook wasted no time in throwing a punch, it landed on Jeongins mouth and automatically he could feel the taste of metal swarm in his mouth. JK tried to do the same thing but he manoeuvred around and kicked him in the back of the legs where the muscles met, sending him onto the floor. They rolled around in the dirt, throwing punches whenever they got the chance. Jungkook had brute strength whilst Jeongin had speed and agility. It was a childish fight and it carried on for over half an hour, eventually, Jeongin was getting tired. Jungkook was relentless and he had started to adapt to Jeongins fighting style, the older was winning and he knew it.

He managed to pin down Jeongin and land a few hits directly to his face. The younger struggled under his weight and clawed at him to get free, he was losing and there was nothing he could do about it. He only really had one option but he wasn't going to give in. He didn't have to because someone else would do it instead. A far away bang grabbed both their attention, someone else had joined the fight and they had the true upper hand. Neither Jeongin nor Jungkook had no clue who it was and they both stopped mid-fight to investigate. "You weren't invited to the fight" Jeongin yelled, clutching his ribs where they had been brutally kicked several times. Jungkook spat out blood into the gravel and wiped his nose where it was trickling down. "What the fuck do you want?" Jungkook shouted. The person with the gun stepped forward and Jeongin realised that he had his gun. It was the one he had left in the car after debating whether he should take it or not. After hesitating for several moments he had made the final decision he had decided to leave it stowed away in the glovebox.

"Never bring a gun to a fistfight," the person said. Jungkook turned to look at Jeongin who stared straight ahead with his jaw clenched. "What do you want?" He asked. The gunman said nothing but his presence alone was enough to scare the two boys, he was the shot caller -literally. Jeongin tried to take a few steps forward to get a better look at them but once he did they raised the gun and aimed it at the two. "Calm down buddy, what do you want from us? Name your price" Jungkook tried to negotiate. "I was sent here for you, come with me and your friend won't be harmed," The man said. He wasn't specific enough so both Jungkook and Jeongin took a step forward. "If we can get close enough we can both take him down" Jeongin murmured just loud enough for the other to hear. Jungkook responded with a simple nod and shuffled further. The man aimed it straight at Jeongins face, who panicked seeing the gun pointed at him. The bang that came next was probably the most terrifying thing, he stood there in shock with his eyes shut waiting for the blow.

It never came. After a few minutes of silence Jeongin bravely opened his eyes, the man was gone but lying in a bloody puddle at his feet was Jungkook. The older had jumped in front of him and saved his life. Jeongin had no words so he simply stood there shocked, he eventually came to his senses and kneeled to press on the wound. Jungkook had only been hit in the shoulder so he would be fine but the blood was pouring like a fountain.  Jeongin cursed under his breath as he held the wound with one hand and scrambled in his back pocket for his phone with the other. "Uh- you're going to be okay" he tried comforting Jungkook who only hissed in pain. Once an ambulance had been called, Jeongin did a reasonable thing and called Changbin, he decided not to get Minho dragged into drama so calling Changbin was a better option. He would have called Chan but the Aussie was currently unavailable and Anyone else would have been freaked out.

The only thing there was left to do was wait, Jungkook fading in and out of consciousness as Jeongin tried his hardest to tell him reassuring words. The blue lights approaching in the background lit up the empty field. The day had gone to shit, and this was only the beginning of their troubles.


It was around 2:27 am when chan received a text. Jisung was passed out on the couch and Chan was up late doing work. He had hoped it was from Minho, he was going to beg and beg until he let him come back. He needed Minho and Minho needed him, but the text that he got wasn't the type he expected. It was much more disturbing.

It was Lucas, he was gone. Chan clenched the phone so tightly that he crushed the screen, his vision became blurry and he felt like he was having a panic attack. Nothing made sense at the point in time and all Chan felt was rage.

Poor chan :((((

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥 - 𝐒𝐤𝐳/ 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 Where stories live. Discover now