Chapter 3

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(Loona POV)
-I was standing behind the humans as they are sitting in chairs in a line with bags over their heads with the CO in front of them leaning against a table-

???: can you cunts not let me sleep!!!.-I hear one shout-

TJ/???: rhino.-I hear TJ and the other say-

TJ/???: six/tyrant.-They say in unison-

CO: Well we have your names now.-the CO said as they go quiet-

CO:I'm going to ask yous some questions .... And you will answer them.-he threatens as they stay quiet-

CO:answer me you no-fur freaks!!!-he shouts as he walks up to rhino and punches him-

Rhino: ahh... when I get out of this chair I'm going to kick your ass-he says as the commander walks over to him and bends down looking at his face-

CO: last time I checked your tied to a chai.. FFFUCKKKK-I see the commander holding his nose due to rhino head butting him with six giggling-

Six: fucking idiot there's a reason his call signs Rhino...hahah-he giggles as the commander scoffs still holding his busted nose and leaves the room with me following behind him into the hall with Conners in the hall-

CO:Conners get them no-furs talking by any means necessary especially the oldest one he hasn't said anything and make the youngest one suffer I'm going to the infirmary-he snaps-

Conners: sir...with all due respect I will not harm the humans if anyone does there will be serious consequences and we will never gain there trust-he says as the commander grabs his throat choking him-

Loona:sir he's right we can't make them hate us anymore we need them to trust us-I say to him as he sighed and let's go of Conners throat as he gasps for air-

Co: Fine talk with the no-furs... I still don't know why we bother treating them as one of us there beneath us-he mumbles to himself-
(Conners POV)
-I step into the room and take the bags off the humans heads and sit down at the table as the youngest sees me he groans-

Rhino: great the over grown lizards back, fuck me-he hisses-

Conners: please I need you to talk to me the commander is an asshole I will say that but if you don't talk he's going to break each of you and make you talk, please I don't want to see the last of humans tortured-I pleaded-

Six: you expect us to believe you mr...-he says and reminds me I didn't introduce myself-

Conners: oh...sorry, doctor Curtis Conners at you service-I introduce myself and tyrant looks at me with a confused expression and chuckles-

Conners: please, don't say anything i I've already meet Rhino so you must be Tyrant and last but not least Six... is that right-I say pointing to each of them-

Six: aye that's right-he assures me-
-we have been here for a couple of months now and Dr Conners is quite civil, that commander though the three of us want to ring his neck he is one racist bastard though thankfully he was reported and currently being replaced there wasn't that many test except for the odd blood sample we where not that willing to just giving away our blood but we didn't really care-

Not so luckyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن