Chapter 1

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2 weeks

Just 2 weeks away from prom and Clarke still didn't have a dress. She was lounging on the Blake's living room couch munching popcorn when Octavia burst in shouting, seemingly in the middle of a sentence.

"Whoa girl, slow down," Clarke said.

"We have to go prom shopping!" Octavia summarized.

"I don't even know if I'm going, Finn hasn't asked me yet," Clarke remarked, settling back into her place on the couch.

"Come on, you guys have been dating for what, 3 months? He's bound to ask you soon and if he doesn't I'll just make my brother take you because no ma--"

Clarke cut her off, "No way in hell am I going with Bellamy." Clarke had an ongoing feud with Bellamy Blake. They had seemed to hate each other since Clarke and Octavia had become best friends. Clarke never knew when it had started, in fact she didn't even know why it had started. He had just always been Octavia's older brother. Her annoying, bothersome, not to mention incredibly sexy older brother. Maybe it wouldn't be so damaging to go to prom on Bellamy Blake's arm. But she still hated him.

"Yes but you at least need to come dress shopping with me," Octavia pleaded, "I'll be your best friend?"

"You already are," Clarke scoffed.

"I have and idea," Octavia said suddenly. She pulled her phone out and started rapidly texting. Her phone beeped. "Got it," She said without elaborating, Clarke raised an eyebrow in response, "If all else fails, Monty said he would take you."

Clarke groaned. "Fine."

"Lets go!" Octavia pulled her up. "But let me change first because I can still smell school all over me."

Clarke sat down. She didn't sink into the couch as she had before because if anything, Octavia was a quick changer.

The front door opened an shut and a deep, male voice called "Octavia, I'm home."

"Okay!" Bellamy's sister replied. Clarke heard Bellamy's footsteps down the hall and he stepped into the sitting room where Clarke was.

"Hey Clarke," Bellamy said casually. Clarke was here almost every day, so its not like it was some surprise. Clarke, though, was surprised by his docile behavior.

"How was your day?" Clarke asked carefully, wondering if this version of Bellamy would last.

"Fine. Is Octavia making you go prom shopping with her?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Clarke was beginning to think this was an imposter. Bellamy never made smalltalk.

"All she's been talking about lately. But I also heard you didn't have a date."

"Finn is probably going to ask me, but otherwise I'll go with Monty." A strange expression passed over Bellamy's face but it was gone so fast Clarke convinced herself she had imagined it.

Bellamy looked like he was about to say something else, when Octavia burst in the room. "Time to go."

Clarke grabbed her bag and headed for the door. Octavia was already halfway to the car.

"Clarke," Bellamy called just as she was about to leave. She turned and looked at him. "Try blue. It matches your eyes."

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