"Nice to see it changed so easily.."

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Ethan watched you guys and rolled his eyes, looking at one of the girls and smiling as he talked to her and she started rolling a few blunts. You and Doobie walked to the room and he grabbed some clothes, and you grabbed your bag, the two of you walking to the bathroom and walking in, locking the door behind you two.....

(Continued <3)

Doobie closed the door and yawned, stretching as he smiled and pulled off his shirt, starting a shower, "you can shower first, I'll wait" he smiled and sat on the floor, lighting a blunt and quietly smoking as you turned a light pink and sighed, getting undressed and getting in, humming lightly. Doobie quietly talked to you, filling you in on the friend group, who was who and the groups to be around, whatnot.

After your shower, you start getting out and he yawned, pulling off his pants and starting to get undressed, and there's that awkward exchange of stares as he starts getting in and you start getting out. He looks away as you hold the towel closer to you're body and quickly waddle to the sink. He hums softly and starts getting washed up, gently washing his hair and making small talk as you started getting changed, quietly talking and giggling as he made jokes, and you got ready. When he got out he walked to the sink with a towel wrapped around him and he looked at you as you put on the remainder of your make-up. You couldn't have decided on what fragrance to wear so you pointed to the choices you had in mind, "I need help...choose one that smells good." you demanded as he chuckled and nodded, tying up his long hair and grabbing the different bottles, gently sniffing at them and quietly thinking. 

In all actuality..he wasn't that bad looking...could use a few good facial masks...maybe a trim of his hair..and maybeeeee a tattoo or piercing...well maybe- "aye..question..whats the actual difference between these two?" he asked as he looked at two of your favorite bottles, "well one is fruitier than the other." you shrug softly as he watched you, "fruit...ier?" he asked as he hummed, "and you wanna smell like a fruit?" he asked softly as you sighed and grabbed the sweet one, gently spraying a mist of the fragrance on your wrist, rubbing them together then rubbing them on you're neck, "smell." you instructed as you looked at him before going back to your make-up. He hummed and nodded as he leaned down behind you and softly smelled at your neck, his hands gently pulling himself closer to you as he hummed lowly and nuzzled into your neck, making you stop what you were doing and smiling widely, closing your eyes and relaxing. 

Seconds later you felt his teeth at your neck, softly biting and gripping at your thighs, causing your body to squirm slightly and making chills appear on your skin. He watched as he pulled you against him and softly kissed at your neck and shoulder, your hand reached up and tangled its fingers in his hair, pulling on it softly to get him back to your sweet spot. 

He grunted softly at the hair pulling as he smiled and went to suck a mark into your skin before the door was pushed open and Ethan glared at you two, "get the fuck out..i need to piss." he huffed as Doobie sighed and let go of you as you cleared your throat gathering your things and about to head out before Ethan grabbed your wrist and pulled you back harshly, Doobie looking at Ethan and glaring, "E...come on...don't be a dumbass." he sighed as Ethan pulled you closed and roughly turned your head to the side as he leaned down and roughly sucked a mark into your neck and bit down, claiming what was his as Doobie quietly looked away and let Ethan do what he wanted. After it stopped hurting you shoved off Ethan and glared at him, "what the fuck!" you snap as he smiled and Doobie quietly left the bathroom to go get ready, "what baby?...whats wrong?..you mad at me?" he teased as he hummed and closed the bathroom door, leaving you two alone together...how ironic. "what do you want Ethan?" you ask as you glanced at the bruise on your neck, "all I've ever wanted was you...but you found something else to play with I'm guessing?" he chuckled and walked to the toilet, standing there and starting to piss, "Etha!-.." you look away quickly, "...like you're one to talk...you were literally seeing a girl when I thought we were a thing...guess I was stupid...and it doesn't matter whats happening between me and Doobie...we're taking it slow...we are friends...." he scoffed harshly and shook his head, "no you arent..the way he held you wasn't a way you hold a 'friend'."

"well maybe its the way we hold each other." you mumbled a moment later and rolled your eyes as you started getting covering up Ethan's mark before he grabbed your wrist and stopped you, "don't you fucking dare...its my mark..no one is allowed to fuck with you except me" he sighed and washed his hands as you huffed and continued covering the mark. He watched you as he sighed and shook his head, standing in the mirror to mess with his curls and sighing when he couldn't get them right. Kissing your cheek as he stayed close, "I'll be seeing you tonight...alright baby?" he asked as he kissed you softly and walked out. 

You stayed quiet and shook your head when he left, quietly fixing your outfit and continuing to get ready. 'jesus..' you thought as you shook your head and left the bathroom to go look for Doobie. 

((oml its been so longgggggg...a mf couldn't write for a bit but I come back and this work is almost at 3 k?! damn..if I would have known I would've stayed away longer T^T..no no..sorry for taking SO FUCKING LONG..but some personal stuff made me take Haitus..but I'm back and I'm making a schedule...hopefully..no promises..but until next time..thank you for reading and I love you<3))

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