"wait, was that love mine to keep..?"

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He continues playing his game as you watched, smiling lightly as he got to into the game. You wander off after a bit, eating a sandwich you made as you sat on a beanbag in his livingroom and watched tv.

After a couple minutes the dirty blonde walks to the livingroom looking at the tv then at you, plopping himself next to you on the beanbag and smiling.

"hey there pretty girl" he mumbled and chuckled a bit, lighting a blunt and looking at the tv. You had just finished your sandwich as he sat down and you smiled at the 'pretty girl'. You looked a him and giggled, "hey..there.....hm..." you thought of a clever name, "hey there handsome" you smiled and took a drink of the bottle of water you grabbed earlier, leaning your head on his shoulder and watching the movie that was on.

Doodie handed you th blunt as you took a couple hits and looked at him, that boy had fallen asleep...You giggled and shook your head, continuing to smoke as you used him as a pillow, snuggling into him. After a few, you fell asleep holding onto him, quietly snoring as he wrapped an arm around you and held you close.

Ethan came busting in with a several boxes of pizza, rudely slamming the door as Doobie woke up a bit and looked at him groggily, huffing and shaking his head, closing his eyes and getting comfy again, laying his head back down and trying to go back to sleep. Ethan looked at you two and rolled his eyes, "get your asses up, Jay wants to throw a party" he grumbled and sat on the couch, pulling out a dab and taking a couple long hits, you sat there half asleep looking at the tv, holding onto Doobie.

Doobie shook his head, "no. fuck. that" he mumbled and yawned, "I'm tryna chill..yanno..with y/n?" he said and looked at Ethan, "go throw the party somewhere else..not here" Ethan laughed lightly and shook his head, "no can do, everyone already knows its gonna be here" he said, laying back on the couch, looking for a movie. "supplies are on they way" he said as Doobie looked down at you, "you okay with that sweetheart?" he asked lowly so Ethan couldnt hear. You look up at him still sleepy, "if i can come..then yea..I'm okay with it" you smiled and sat up stretching, looking back at the tv.

A few minutes later, a couple of girl and a guy walk in with a bunch of bags and boxes of liquor, another buff guy walking it carrying two kegs and setting them down as you looked at Doobie, "Doobie...?" you mumbled as he looked at you, "whats up" he smiled widely and leaned toward you to hear you better because the girls were wayy to loud, "c-can...you get ready for the party with me...?" you asked a bit embarrassed as you looked away, Doobie smiled and nodded, "if thats what you want, sure baby" You looked at him and smiled, "thank you" you said reluctantly and got up, holding out your hand and helping Doobie to his feet, giggling lightly as the two of you stumbled and almost fell.

Ethan watched you guys and rolled his eyes, looking at one of the girls and smiling as he talked to her and she started rolling a few blunts. You and Doobie walked to the room and he grabbed some clothes, and you grabbed your bag, the two of you walking to the bathroom and walking in, locking the door behind you two.....

To be continued...<3))

Hey..I'm so sorry its been a long time since I've last updated...and i know some of you dont give a shit, and for the ones actually reading this part..thank you <3, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting me and gettin me this far...Anyway..So my dad has been going through some medical problems and its keeping he from writing along with writers block...But we digress, Anywho..Have you noticed my new writing style...or just me...i kinda like it..i know its wordy..but let me know if you enjoy my new style..I'm working on my stories very much, and i apprectate all of you..every single one of you..and i love you..as always <3...have a good day/night/evening))

336 LILBACKWOODOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora