First Day of Kindergarten

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Them meeting at the age of five years old on the first day of kindergarten.


"Be good for the teacher, baby. I'll see you after school." 

"I will, mom. Promise!" Adora beamed up at her mother. As her mom bent down to hug her goodbye, she couldn't help but overhear the parent next to them. 

"You will be good, Catra. Don't upset the teacher like you did Miss Hope at daycare." 

"Yes, father." Adora heard the little girl respond. She appeared to be a magicat, but the man with her wasn't. She sounded small and afraid, her tail was practically between her legs. 

Adora wanted to be her friend. She was sad when their assigned seats weren't next to each other. She would have to wait until recess. 

She already knew her ABC's and numbers, just like her mother had taught her. She was a smart girl, probably already ahead of her classmates. 

Adora noticed her classmate fiddling with her pencil a few desks in front of her. 

"Catra," the teacher called her name. Miss Weaver cleared her throat. "Catra," she said a little louder, finally getting the young girl's attention. 

"Y-yes, ma'am?" She immediately quit messing with the pencil, now holding it in both of her hands as if it was a lifeline. 

"What letter comes after H?" 

Catra furrowed her brows and pursed her lips slightly as she thought for a moment, repeating the alphabet in her head. She didn't know it very well. "Um, G?" 

"Incorrect, Catra. G comes before H. Who knows the correct answer?" 

The rest of the children raised their hands, waiting to be called on. 


Finally, it was time for recess. Adora just wanted to be friends with Catra. She was stopped by Glimmer to see if she wanted to play four-square with her, Bow and Lonnie. 

Adora quickly declined. She had played with them all summer. One day of not joining them wouldn't hurt. 

She needed to find Catra. 

It took a few minutes, but she finally found her, sitting on a swing by herself. She looked sad as she kicked at the dirt below her feet. 

Adora walked up to her slowly, not wanting to scare the girl. "Hi. My name's Adora." 

Catra continued to stare at the ground. "I know." She lifted her head, "we had to say our names in class." 

Right. Adora totally remembered doing that. 

"Do you want to play?" Adora asked. "Or I could push you on the swing?" 

"I'm not supposed to have friends," Catra said, just above a whisper. 

"Why not?" 

Catra was looking back down at the ground. Her arms moved to wrap around herself, as did her tail. "My dad says I'm not smart enough to have friends." 

"Well, I'll be your friend." Adora sat next to her. "Everyone should have friends. We can even keep it a secret, if you want." 


Adora nodded eagerly. "Really." She smiled as she spoke, showing her missing teeth. 

Catra's tail loosened from around her body. "Okay. I'll push you, first." She hopped down from the swing, her tail swaying behind her. 


After recess, Adora had promised Catra that they would sit together at lunch. She also informed Catra that she never broke promises. 

"When did you move here?" Adora asked after she had finished her food. 

"I've always lived here," Catra shrugged. 

"How come I've never seen you before? I think I would remember a magicat," Adora responded with a giggle.

"My dad doesn't like when I play outside. He got really mad one time because I got dirt on my clothes." 

Adora frowned, watching her new friend pick at her food. Adora always played outside with her mom, and sometimes they went to the park so she could play with her friends. 

"What about sleepovers?" Adora asked. 

"What's that?" 

"You don't know what a sleepover is?!" Adora practically yelled. She felt Catra's tail wrap gently around her wrist. 

"You're too loud."

"Sorry," she whispered. "A sleepover is when a friend spends the night at your house. I bet my mom would let you spend the night. It'll be super fun! We can have popcorn and watch movies, and-"

"I don't think so, Adora." 

Adora frowned. She found herself petting Catra's tail that was still wrapped around her wrist. "Okay. Well, I'll still be your friend." 

Catra smiled at her. 


As the school day ended, the students were gathering their things before they stepped out into the hallway to greet their parents or other family members who were picking them up. 

Adora already had her backpack over her shoulders when she approached her new friend who was struggling with the straps. 

"Let me help," Adora offered, reaching her hands out. Catra stopped what she was doing and slumped her shoulders before handing her bag over. 

"Thanks, Adora." The blonde girl helped her put the bag over her shoulders. 

"Um, before we leave, can I...can I give you a hug?" Adora asked with a timid voice. "My mom gives me hugs when I'm sad and I would like to give you one."

Catra nodded and that was all it took for the other girl to wrap her arms around her friends shoulders. Catra sighed and hugged her back before rubbing her cheek against Adora's neck. 

After promises of seeing each other tomorrow, they finally walked out into the hallway, making sure Catra's dad didn't know that they were friends. 

"How was your first day?" Adora's mom asked as soon as she saw her. She bent down to hug her daughter. 

"It was good. I made a new friend," Adora smiled. She reached for her mom's hand as they started to walk down the hallway. She saw Catra and her dad a few feet in front of them. They weren't holding hands and it made Adora sad. 

"That's really good, sweetheart. What's their name?" 

Adora looked up at her mother with a smile,  "It's a secret. But she's really nice." 

998 words

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