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We were running low on groceries.

I walked out of the house after asking Hong-Nan to put the movie on hold. She can't start without me.

I am currently on my way to the convenience store to buy some fast food for movie night. I can buy groceries tomorrow at the mall, for now it'll be fast food. I'm not going to the mall because I don't want to walk that long, and my motorcycle has been starting to make strange noises. It has surely been pushed to its limit since yesterday, and I feel like if I start up the engine once more, it'll just explode on the spot and kill me.

My sickness from yesterday is still here, but I feel like the medicine has slightly decreased my headaches. The one Namjoon gave me.

I am walking down the street, wearing a thick jacket, passing by my neighbours, with my mind just mindlessly letting me move forward in silence.

I won't lie. Hong Nan's words sting me. Not just a bit. At first it was a bit, but the more I think about it, I'm really not making any progress, and it hurts to acknowledge it even though I deeply knew it in my heart. I just didn't know how bothersome it could be when someone pointed it out. Now that it has been pointed out, I feel sorry for myself more and more because, again, I haven't been making any progress at all.

I hate it so much. But I can't really feel that way because it'll make me look bad. I don't want to feel like I'm mad that she pointed it out.

I don't want to be a terrible terrible person.

My face frowns, and I look ahead, feeling dejected. I could only sigh, curse, and shake my head when I thought about it more, and when someone passed by me, I only composed myself then, going back to my normal stance and executing formality in a flash.

I'm not supposed to be mad like this. Just do something about it, Hyejin, and you'll be okay. It's time to progress.

I needed to calm myself down before picking up my pace again to move forward, as if to slap some sense into me, or my whole composition would crumble and further the possibility of ruining my movie night with my sister with downgrading thoughts.

Before long, the lights from the convenience store greet the street down below as I approach it slowly. I turn the corner around towards the convenience store. Then, as my eyes focus on the building, my steps grow slower when I witness a man sitting on the table outside with his head on the table.

My head does a little tilt, and my eyes squint to really see if that is the person that I think it is.

Then my eyes rest, going back to normal, and my head adjusts back to its normal position as I realise that it is him.
It's Namjoon.

I start to walk again, but cautiously now, not wanting to alarm him. He's fast asleep or knocked out. His head is unmoving from the table, his arm resting below his forehead.

There are several beer bottles on the table. Two of the bottles were tipped over, and they seemed empty. The other bottles, as I grow closer to him, are also empty.

I stand beside him at last, looking down and observing everything with concern.
Out of concern but not wanting to alert him, I tap on his shoulder.

"Namjoon...? Namjoon. Namjoon, are you okay?" I whisper.

Namjoon stays in that position. He's out of it. He has gone a little too far by leaving himself in this vulnerable state. This only heightens my concern, and my focus now is to wake him up instead of walking into the store.

I look left and right as if afraid that someone we know might see him in this condition. He takes pride in his reputation as a respectable and good man. This will surely make people think otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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