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Hong-Nan wakes up at 5:00 am everyday. She would make a ruckus every time she's making breakfast and it bothers me and mom a lot. She'd slam everything after using them, and it's not helping that our bedrooms are close to the open kitchen.

Dad? Not so much because he's a morning person. He probably got used to having to send me and Hong-Nan all the time to school that the trait just came naturally. Now, I'm the driver of the house though. I could never understand people who enjoy mornings.  You're supposed to hate it, no?

Today though, Hong-Nan woke up super early. I was sleeping well when suddenly things started slamming everywhere. At that moment, I knew she's up.

I peek at the clock on the wall and it is 4:02 am before mentally exhausting myself over the disappointment in order to sleep again. 

That's when my door burst open and I spring myself out of bed automatically.

Before I could register my surroundings over the abrupt wake up call, her shadow looms over my body, and then she claps her hand once, loudly.

"You.. you're not human," I grumble

"Driver, you have 4 minutes to get up, brush your teeth, choose your outfit, eat breakfast and go ready up your bike. I'm counting, starting..now."

And she starts counting, murmuring her words.

"What? It's 4 in the morning you ass! What the hell are you doing?"

She keeps counting, her gaze locked onto mine. Standing in this dark unlit room, she's almost like those murderers in those documentaries. It doesn't help that her eyes are naturally big and she opens it up more, penetrating. Her long black straight hair covers the sides of her face and it reminds me a lot about that one creature that crawls out of a well.

I tried sleeping back and ignore her but she snatches both my blanket and pillow and suddenly the room feels a lot like Antarctica. Not like I've ever been there.

"Okay, okay shut up! Why are we rushing at this hour again? Give me a good reason and I'll be your slave."

Hong-Nan stops, and she took out her phone. Her eyebags showing, she's clearly sleepy herself. To be awake at this hour, something must be important to her. Maybe to send in a last minute work? I've been there so that I understand.

"Here," She turns her phone around.

A picture of a few dudes on a street is shown. One's even shirtless.

"What am I looking at?"

"Jungkook and his friends are out for a jog. Words from everywhere states that they're going to pass by our school and there's a high chance they're going to dine at that Amy's Diner; which is a few blocks away from my school. I want to go there, no- I need to go there."

I give her a dead look, but she returns a deadlier stoned one.

"That's such a waste of time?"

"You don't understand!" Hong Nan starts pointing the picture in a circular motion, noting all of them before ending it at Jungkook, the shirtless man. "Millions would've already understood!"

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