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Monday morning I got up and got ready for work, the commute wasn't too bad and I found a parking spot relatively close so I was happy as I walked in holding my cup of coffee. 

I went up to the receptionist and gave my name, she told me to wait and I sat down in a chair to drink my coffee while I waited for whoever the fuck she called to come get me. 

A tall man walked out holding an iPad in his hand. He was handsome, broad, and his black hair was gelled to the side. He looked important, and kind of intimidating "Taehyung" he called and I stood up 

"Good morning" I greeted with a smile

"Good morning" he reached out his hand "Seokjin Kim"

"Taehyung Kim" I shook his hand and let go

"I'm aware" he smiled "follow me" I followed behind him, he walked fast and talked even faster "You'll be working mostly with me. Katherine is our CEO, she's busy most days, you'll met her today for a small orientation, I'll print out your paperwork and have you sign a few things before we get started. I'm supposed to be in a meeting with her right now and taking notes, but once she's done she'll join us"

"Alright" I nodded and followed along 

"You'll read everything before you sign. We have a few rules here. Kate, don't call her that by the way, Kate can be a bit, if I'm being honest, a bit of a bitch. But do your job, don't piss her off and you'll be fine. You speak Korean?"

"I do"

"Great. We can talk shit on her together" I laughed as he smiled "Kate's a good friend, great boss, and amazing CEO, but she's too much sometimes. Not trying to talk you out of this, just being honest so you know who you're dealing with" 

"Got it" 

"Don't talk to her like she's stupid, don't speak unless spoken to, don't eye fuck her, don't fuck up your job, and you'll be fine. I'll show you the ropes because honestly if you fuck up, that means I fucked up. And I do not fuck up" 

"No fuck ups. Got it" 

Heels clacked quickly down the hall we were walking down "That's her stilettos, straighten up" I straightened my posture as she came into view, she had a group of men following behind her as she typed away on an IPad and gave out orders, my jaw almost dropped. She was wearing a pant suit that hid her long tan legs, but hugged her hips and covered her breasts. Her long curly ponytail was now wrapped in a tight bun, and her make-up was just as perfect as before I ruined it. She was even wearing the heels that left bruises on my skin. 

"Jade?" She looked up and furrowed her brows as she came to stand in front of us 

"This is Katherine Crawford" Seokjin announced 

"Who's this?" She asked 

"Taehyung Kim. The new guy you're meeting in five minutes for a quick orientation" Seokjin smiled 

"Nice to meet you, Mister Kim. I'm Katherine Crawford. CEO of Crawford Industries. I'm sure Jin can lead you to my office" I extended my hand which she shook as her emerald green eyes bore into mine 

"Lovely meeting you as well" I let go of her hand and tried to hide the smirk creeping onto my face, she walked away and continued talking to the men following her as Jin led me towards her office that had her name printed across the glass 

"Jade?" He raised an eyebrow 

"Sorry, she reminded me of someone I met" 

"Right. Well, sit down and I'll bring your papers" he left the office and I sat across from her desk, I pulled out my phone and texted Jimin 

Me: hot girl from Friday is my boss. Not just my boss, CEO 

Min: 😳 oh fuck

I started typing a response when I heard her heels clicking across the floor, I shoved it back into my pocket just as the door opened 

"Mister Kim. Have you signed everything yet?" She asked as she walked past me and took her seat at her desk 

"Not yet, Seokjin was printing them out and bringing them back" 

"Very well" she opened one of her drawers and pulled out an employee handbook "everything you'll need to know is in here. I expect you to go over it and comply. I do not accept laziness, slacking off, or anything that could reflect poorly on my company"

"Like throat fucking my boss? Fingering her ass while I stretch out her pussy? Or-" 

"Drop it. Right the fuck now, or I fire you" 

I chuckled and shook my head "Hard to take you seriously after knowing how well you take my cock sweetheart" 

"One more, and you're gone" 

"My apologies Jade, it won't happen again" 

"Fuck you" 

"Already have" I shrugged as Jin came in the door

"Alright Taehyung" he looked up "Oh good Katherine you're here. Let's get this started"  

Now, I'm an asshole, but I am not stupid. 

So I kept my mouth shut while she gave me the run-down of my job title and what I was going to do. No matter how many times I wanted to say something smart, I kept it to myself and focused on what was being said. 

Even if I wanted her dark red lips wrapped around my cock again, and pictured all of the sinful things I did to her a few nights prior. I needed the job. 

"I know Kate can be a bitch, but why does she keep staring at you like you killed her dog?" Seokjin asked as he sat beside me in the employee room, I chuckled and shook my head 

"Maybe because I called her Jade?"

"Maybe" he shrugged 

I wanted to tell him so bad how his CEO let me do things to her I'm sure no one else has. 

Or if they have, not as good as me. I know that for a fact. 

Me: 69?

Min: it's literally Monday

Me: I literally don't care. Pull your panties out of your pussy and let's go

I chuckled as I put my phone down and made my way to my room to change, I got myself ready for the club again and made my way downstairs, I reached for my phone but someone knocked on my door so I turned around and walked over to open it

"Can I come in?"

"Depends, is this Jade the cock slut or Katherine the CEO?" I smirked as I leaned against the door frame, she tucked her bittom lip between her teeth and smirked

"Whoever you want me to be Mister Kim"

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