Chapter Twenty-Two: I Hate You

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A.N. I present you this beautiful chapter that was the sole reason why I started writing this fanfic. One night late July I wrote the Colette/Sirius spice (yes this chapter has spice) scene and suddenly PBGTDBB was born! So please enjoy this very MATURE chapter of not one but two spice/smut scenes.


Professor Peoria stood at the head of the classroom. His long robes cascading down like waterfalls as he stood in his lectern. Alchemy, which had once been Regulus best subject, was now becoming to be a royal pain in his arse. It seemed that each class was becoming more and more tedious by the minute. And on top of that, the Professor's voice was utterly monotone. He never minded it before when he had to endure this lecture, but today he found his thoughts in other places.

"Students, today we will be discussing more on the mysticism of Alchemy. Now, there is an importance to the languages and scripts created by alchemists."

A collective groan escaped the lips of the students in the classroom.

Professor Peoria frowned. "Now, now students. You are not going to be tested on reading them. However, I do expect that you understand the multilevel language that Alchemy was founded and written in during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Who can tell me why this secret language came to be?"

Colette raised her hand.

"Ah, yes Miss Rosier!"

"Thank you Professor," Colette replied, sitting up a bit straighter. "The language that alchemist us is not a traditional language, but rather a way of communicating. They use puns, wordplay, phonetic similarities, alternative spelling, unusual punctuation and references to other works, symbols and myths. It can also be known as the Language of the Birds."

Professor Peoria beamed, bowing his chin in approval. His long white beard swished over his violet robes. "Excellent Miss Rosier! Ten points to Slytherin!"

Regulus quickly glanced over at Colette, who sat next to Greengrass— his fucking girlfriend— a few rows over. He should have been paying attention to Eleanor, but instead his attention was solely on Colette.

The dark haired witch wore a sly smile that showed her approval. Sometimes he wondered if Lette should have been placed into Ravenclaw. She was beyond brilliant and succeeded at everything she set her mind too. But the Rosier family came from a long line of Slytherins and he knew that the males of the family were notorious for the practice of Dark Magic.

Lette, however, never seemed to be interested in the darker side of magic. If anything she practiced Grey Magic. She was good— well, as good as a Pureblood who was surrounded by all things wicked got.

He was not good.

The Black family was raised in Pureblood mania and taught him, and his estranged brother, the same. Which was why Sirius had abandoned him. Why he left to go live with the Potters in their perfect home with their righteous morals. That was not a mindset that one would want to be in, nor was it an attainable lifestyle. Especially with the rise of the Dark Lord— his Lord.

He glanced over towards Colette again, something about her made his stomach twist. Maybe it was the guilt over everything that had occurred. Maybe he wished that he had been a better friend.

"You couldn't even see when she was hurting..." Sirius's vicious words still sliced at him like a sharp blade. "Are you jealous Reggie? You always were jealous when we were younger when Lette would prefer my company over yours..." Godric, Regulus was never even jealous. "I bet you didn't even realize your best friend was going through shit. You just assumed and then you chose to go on and shag Greengrass. "You didn't even think about how it would hurt her." It was like glass against Regulus's soul. Vicious and unending. "You're just as selfish and spoiled as you were when we were children. You are selfish, Regulus. You are a selfish low lying bastard!"

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