Chapter Twenty Three: Moon of Glass

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December 5th, 1977.

Colette landed on the bed with a thunk. All of her other dorm mates were sound asleep, their curtains drawn and a few silencing charms thrown up.

She turned over, particularly content that her bed was the furthest way and with a lovely view of the surface of the lake. But the tide must have come in, because all she could see was rich emerald green. The water was clear enough during this time of year, offering light into the windows that wasn't the murky coldness she was used to. It was a full moon tonight— or at least, that's what she could tell through the water. Colette stared at a pool of moonlight that reflected in from the emerald green lake.

Oh how she would have killed to be back in her warm bed at home in France. Curled up in the oversized chair in her rooms, reading by the moonlight.

But instead, she was here in the Slytherin dungeons trying to figure out how and why Sirius Black was still on her mind. It had been two whole days since her encounter with Sirius Black. Two whole days where she couldn't get him off her mind. Two whole days where she could still feel his hands, lip, tongue and teeth all over her.

The ache in her belly had been almost maddening. She was certain that she would have to check into St. Mungos immediately on some sort of psychosis break.

A groan escaped from her lips as she tired her utmost best not to think about Sirius's tongue in her mouth and over the curve of her breasts.

Instead, she decided to watch as the reflective light filled in the dusty gaps between the stone tiles and turned everything a sort of misty, ominous silver and green. Much like the colors of the House of Snakes. It made her feel as if she were frozen in this everlasting moment.

Colette looked around the room through the velvet curtains.

The room was dark... too dark. It wasn't that she feared the night, it was just that she didn't find any sort of comfort in it's dark hours. She did, however, enjoy the stars that emerged from the skies above with their effervescent glittering beauty. The kind of beauty that made her feel so unbelievably small in this world. That she was just one person amongst many. She was apart of a magical realm where Muggle's had no idea even existed.

No, the stars... they made her feel wonderfully small and insignificant.

Small and insignificant— What ugly words to describe herself.

Is that what you think? Her thoughts questioned, tapping against her skull for acknowledgment. That you are nothing? Useless and a just a speck in time?

She frowned, twisting to the opposite side of the bed to look away from the patch of moonlight. It was only midnight, and tomorrow she had a test in Potions and Astronomy. The thought occurred to her then and there. What better way to study Astronomy, than to see the stars live and glittering in the skies above. It was well after curfew, but all the Prefects would be done and gone by now. Probably sound asleep, which is what she should have been doing. But she wanted— no needed, to see the stars.

Colette glanced towards Casandra's bed, she was the Sixth Year Prefect after all. Carefully, she climbed out of bed, and crept over towards the one next to her. From a sliver in the curtain, she could see a pile of strawberry blonde hair.

Yes, the witch was out like a light.

Smirking to herself, she tiptoed over to her own bed and grabbed her cloak, fastening the golden hooks together quickly. She slipped on her old dragonhide boots, scarf, mittens and hat, before she moved towards the door.

"Shit!" Colette hissed.

The door to their rooms was notorious for creaking loudly like a screeching Mandrake. Holding her wand towards the creaking onyx door, she quickly cast a silencing charm. The door opened without a sound and she was off.

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