"Almost thought you weren't coming" Jason says that innocent look making Nico want to stab him.


"Jason, this is a mandatory party" Percy says, giving Jason a look that means 'no causing trouble'

"I will behave" Jason says a moment later.

Nico inwardly cheers, only to groan when Percy gives him the same look. "I will also behave"

"Good" Percy says, satisfaction glinting in his eyes.

"At least we finally got to remove the mandrake leaves." Jason says, fishing out Nico's potion and passing it over.

"Isn't it kind of silly to actually go through with the steps of creating the Animagus Potion when we can already, you know, transform into any animal." Nico wonders, getting elbowed by Jason. Nico growls, ready to get Jason for that one, when he realizes Harry, Ron and Hermione are coming over.

'What happened to Ron?' Ron was pale and his eyes were unfocused. If Nico hadn't known Ron was a human, he might've considered the possibility that he's a ghost.

"Welcome everyone, now that everyone's here, feel free to party. When the storm begins, everyone should already know what to do." Professor Slughorn says, getting some cheers.

"What animal do you think you'll become Harry?" Percy asks before Harry can say anything.

Harry frowned at him. "Whatever I become, it'll be cooler than whatever you become."

"There's no way to judge that, everyone likes different animals." Jason comments, before waving at Neville.

"Hey, how're you doing?" Neville asks, walking over. Harry is left simmering in anger, his comeback unable to be said as the attention left him.

"I'm good, are you excited for this?" Jason asks. The two beginning to converse, Harry completely ignored.

Nico and Percy share a small smile, before both wandering off to talk to other eighth years and avoid Harry, Ron and Hermione.


"The creatures are all calming down, it would seem whatever was causing them to act out has passed." Dumbledore shares with Snape. Remus Lupin stood next to Snape, having just recently talked with Dumbledore about this matter.

"Should I continue trying to discover the cause?" Remus asks Dumbledore.

"Is there a need? Wouldn't it be better to just let this matter end, if not, we risk causing it to pop up again." Snape shares his opinion before Dumbledore can even say anything.

"Yes, you have a point." Dumbledore murmurs, before saying. "For now, we'll let this matter rest, if anything changes, we'll go back to investigating. Now, Remus, I had one more thing to discuss with you."


Dumbledore settles himself into his chair before asking, "I know we had to cancel the idea of you being the defense against dark arts teacher due to the situation with the mythical creatures. But how do you feel about becoming a teacher here for a short period."

"For what position?" Remus asks, interested, but also not interested. Sure, teaching is fun, but he's a werewolf, things go wrong on a daily basis for him.

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now