|#40:lesson learned|[m]

389 20 12

The door were forced opened, it got all noisy on the palace and on be half on that it was an angry omega.

Storming inside, biting his lips and crying up ahead his track's.

Yoongi was following, stopped when he was seeing some royal man's there.

Seokjin was now the one who followed the omega, which had been so frustated or even more bad than that.

"jin!" yoongi shouted, seconds later he appeared and stand right in front of the king. "go and check on hoseok, please tell him I'll be right ahead" he said before vanishing and was mistaken by those people.

Seokjin left there too, he was going to approach the omega.

he ashumed that he will be in his room, but really hesitang because he loves flower's and it can be his stress reliever.

for now he will go and check on his room, he was walking fast. wanted to see the condition of the omega.

when he was near, he was hearing screams or maybe shouts? yep he was totally so angry.

"hobi?" seokjin called, knocking on the door when he tried opening but it was locked.

"can i come in?" still seokjin didn't failed on getting hoseok's soft side, he narrowed his eyebrows when he saw the omega crying.

"what happened? did you guys faught?"

"h-he..-i-i amm" he was stuttering, shaking like a girl.

"sh, okay let's get you rest now-"


"yes hoseok, you can tell me when you are in bed now come" he said, justifying something.

hoseok now couldn't, he just can't argue with him because it'll be a dumb way if he argued with no energy.

seokjin was holding hoseok's wrist, which will led them to the bathroom.

"you're alpha says he will be right ahead, he just need to continue something" seokjin stated, hoseok didn't answer to it.

reminding of what is going on with the both of them, he didn't usually get angry on how yoongi was too overprotective or jealous.

but now he'll end up being the same.

Hoseok doesn't want to take a bath, so seokjin respect it. Consider for him to freshen up a bit by washing his face.

"hyung", hoseok called.


"what if you're love is seeing someone better?"


"then his no one better to be a half with that unknown man.", yoongi came to the topic, conclusion on what hoseok was saying.

hoseok was in the bed now, he did washed his face but he didn't do his skin care.

seokjin was just looking, hoseok was glaring while on the other hand yoongi was in deep concentration of worries.

"I'll go ahead now-"

"no! I don't want to be alone with this guy." hoseok managed to cut the older off, holding him tight not letting go.

"seok." yoongi called, now getting angry at how hoseok was being rude at him.

"hobi ah, we can see each other tomorrow. for now talk to him, okay?" seokjin lectures the younger, but he didn't heard anything.

Yoongi now let seokjin pass through him, walking outside leaving the both of them alone and peaceful.

that peaceful word will end any second now.

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