|#33:saving his little omega|

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yoongi was still on his way to the location where his omega had been put.

Honestly he was nothing but a nervous guy, riding a horse. ready to save his now omega's life.

him trying to relax and think of other things rather than this, necessarily being nervous and anxious about the fact that he didn't thought it'd be a trap.

he got faster, amira sensing his rider being so much pressured from time to time. the horse was doing it's best to get fast for his opponent.

Hoseok was nothing to this, yoongi hadn't really see this coming. He thought that if him and hoseok were going to mate, they will have a happy yet loving family.

he didn't experience such things like that, that's why he will not let his omega suffer anything from the hands of an unknowingly person.

earlier when he was about to leave, jungkook run to him and insisted for yoongi to put on some earphones. the two back on the palace handling the earphones to monitor yoongi's moves and scenarios.

Yoongi was busy riding amira, didn't noticed the earphones on his pocket being ringed million times now.

finally got the ringing soundtrack and stopped the horse.

"what took you so long to notice this?", he heard jungkook's voice on the other line. reminding yoongi of an old emails from the guy behind all of this.

"i was riding", he answered, the boy on the other line sighed. "just forget it, this will become your guide okay? be careful and try not to get caught by this", jungkook demanded, yoongi only said okay then began to signal the horse to run again.

he was hearing some of his cousin's rules and where to enter safely.

on the other hand, yoongi was having a large view of a palace, it's like a tower or something like a kingdom.

It was huge, theirs are nothing more like this.

but he didn't care, he needed speed so he sort of signaled the horse with the rope in it's neck, yoongi trailing the horse in the huge place.

he was having a mental breakdown, some kind of feeling that is close to it's lost belongings. Like having a twin imaginations and a real fairy-tale.

he stopped on his tracks, looking for some traps or other options to go through.

"so yoongi, go to the main door", jungkook demanded, yoongi gathered himself and walked to where jungkook was guiding him.

he left amira there, the horse has it's own capability to vanished from no where. And to be seen if you're close to it.

yoongi was focused on looking around, feeling it's deep wind.

there are some guards, jungkook did told him that he was already known on this place so it's easy for him to get in.

Heading to the guards, he felt like someone was watching him.

"yoongi just say your name", jungkook said and yoongi was preparing for his voice change.

"yoongi, min yoongi" he said to the guardsman, one of the guards looked him up and down but allowed him to walk pass them.

"great now where can i go?", he asked whisper so no one can hear him. "through the main hall, turn left and you will see a white door with a sword sculpture in it.", namjoon protest, yoongi didn't waste some time and went to the given location.

walking to the long hallway, turning left and saw a white door with a sword sculpture. Like what namjoon said.

he didn't got in, he firstly listened to the voices inside.

the destined mate|sope ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum