New Hashira Summoning [33]

Start from the beginning

I slowly headed for the door and kept looking back at Nezuko as I took every step. She was still refusing to look at me. Once I got to the door, I opened it to leave and felt Nezuko grab the back of my haori.

Nezuko: Mmm- mpmh!

I turned around and looked at her. Her face was red and she looked like she had broken out in a nervous sweat. She probably felt guilty about hiding my sword and was nervous that I'd catch her and be mad.

Y/N: Huh? What is it?

She let go of me and ran over to her closet. When she opened it, she moved a bunch of boxes out of the way and pulled out my sword. She carried it over and held it out to me.

Y/N: Ahh, there it is! You found it Nezuko.

I didn't want her to feel bad or think I was upset, so I pretended like I didn't know she had it all along. Nezuko still felt bad about what she did as she walked over to her bed and hid under her blanket in shame.

**Poor thing... She just doesn't want me to leave because she's afraid I'll go for another few years.**

I walked over to the bed and sat down. I lifted the blanket off of her and she looked up at me.

Y/N: I knew you had my sword all along, but it's okay I'm not upset with you... You're worried I might leave again, aren't you?

She didn't say anything, but her facial expression was enough to let me know I was right.

Y/N: I'm not leaving like that again without telling you first.

She sat up and I hugged her.

Y/N: I swear I'm only going to this meeting and I'll be back.

She didn't try to say anything, but she understood. I let go of her and got up.

Y/N: I promise, alright? I have to go now, but I swear I'll be back no matter what.

Nezuko: Mmm-

Nezuko quickly grabbed my journal from off the bed and held it out to me.

Nezuko: Mmm- hmph.

Y/N: You want me to write about the meeting and all the Hashira? Sure, I'll do that just for you.

I took the journal and tucked it away.

Y/N: Well, I'd best to be on my way.

Nezuko: Hmm

She was saying bye and waiting for me to leave. I waved as I headed for the door and left. I went to let everybody know that I was leaving now. I caught up with Tanjiro last outside at the training grounds.

Tanjiro: Are you okay to be moving? I thought you were hurt pretty badly just a week ago.

Y/N: I'm pretty injured still, but I don't anticipate having to fight, so I'm not worried.

Tanjiro: You're strong, I trust you.

**I wouldn't have to fight any demons going there, and I was certain that I was capable of fighting through my injuries if I needed to as a last resort.**

Tanjiro: This is your first Hashira meeting, right? I'm kind of jealous. Are you excited?

Y/N: I am. I wonder if everybody is still going to be there when I get there. Also, I want to know what goes down at a Hashira meeting.

Tanjiro: I wonder too. I'm sure it'll go just great though. I, uh...

Tanjiro hesitated and scratched behind his head.

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