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Zagan "Hm... Well, I think this is far enough, I guess that I could go into stasis here until it's time to go at least."

I sit down and cross my legs as if I was meditating. I take a deep breath as my body began to slowdown as everything seemed to move faster. I could even see the sun going down as the moon rose right after. As the moon goes back down again, the sun rises up shortly afterwards, I snap my fingers on my left hand to break out of the stasis effect.

Zagan "Alright, they should be arriving right about-"

Paimon "Look there she is!"

Zagan "Right on time! So, where is this tournament thing supposed to be happening?"

Aether "It's supposed to be happening near Guyun Stone Forest."

Zagan "Hm... That's a small walk, alright then let's get moving. Don't want to be late for that tournament of yours."

We walk towards the desolate island, well we made it by gliding, but on arrival we see a group of people getting ready to read the brackets for the tournament.

Paimon "Beidou! We made it!"

Beidou "Ah Traveler! Paimon! I knew you two wouldn't miss out on this!"

Paimon "You're right about that, this is our ticket to Inazuma! We had to come!"

Beidou "Is that so? And who's your friend?"

Paimon "Oh you won't believe this! But this is-!"

Zagan "Hey there! The name's Chronos! Pleasure to meet you!"

I cut her off before she could finish her sentence and gave her a wink.

Beidou "Chronos huh? Are you looking to enter in the tournament too?"

Zagan "Ah... I wish I could but..."

I showed her my Vision that was on my scarf.

Beidou "Huh, I've never seen a vision like that before. What is it?"

Well shit. I slipped up on that one.

Zagan "It's Temporal."

Beidou "Temporal? I haven't heard of that one."

Paimon "Yeah Paimon hasn't either!"

Aether "Same here."

I look over to see someone walk over towards us.

Zagan "Who's that?"

Beidou "Oh this is Kazuha, don't worry despite his looks, he is quite reliable."

Kazuha "Hello there, you must be the traveler that everyone is talking about?"

Paimon "The one and only!"

Aether "Hahaha..."

Zagan "Hey, it seems like the first round is going to start."

Beidou "Huh? Oh right. Traveler you are next, next round. So, get ready, not that I have any doubt that you'll win."

She gives Aether a big smirk and walks towards the center of the ring.

Zagan "They really are just ordinary people, you sure it's okay for you to enter? You could end up killing one of them."

Aether "Don't worry, I know how to use the back of my blade."

Soon enough, it was Aether's turn to fight, but as expected, he mopped the floor with them. Then the next one, and the next one after that. But the guy that lost seemed pretty shady, so I began to tail him for a bit, and sure enough my gut feeling was right, he is trying to snatch the prize in that box.

Archon of Time : Zagan (Genshin Impact)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat