Chapter 1-The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"That's right," I say.

"I didn't know Malfoy had a sister," he remarked.

"Yes, my brother Draco has a sister," I sigh, used to people being surprised that Draco had an older sister.

"What's your name?"  He asked me.

"I'm Abby," I smiled.

"I'm Fred and this is my brother George," he said, pointing to himself and his twin.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled and turned back to Florean.

"Here you are boys," he said, handing the twins ice cream cones one with caramel on top of it the other with strawberries.

"See you around Abby," Fred said, smiling at me as the two boys walked out of the shop.

"See you," I say back.

Without another thought I grabbed the ice cream cup that Florean handed me and walked out of the shop eating spoonful after spoonful walking back to my father, mother and brother.

Two Weeks Later

I walked with my brother down the train station, trolleys steering people out of our way, Draco crashes into the wall before I do.

Preparing myself I crashed through the barrier, dropping off my trolley. I spin around looking for Cecile and Pansy but instead my eyes stop on a familiar redhead.

Fred and George come crashing through the barrier, one after another a bundle of redheads come after them.

One of them I recognize as the girl who defended the famous Harry Potter from my brother, Fred and George were related to the Weasleys. I suppose it made sense since he was a redhead.

I boarded the train to find my friends not realizing that the Weasley had recognized me.

"Oi! Abby!" I hear him call, when I turn around I see one of the twins staring at me.


"It's me Fred, do you want to come sit with my brother and Lee Jordan," he asks me with a goofy smile on his face.y

I look around seeing that fellow Slytherins were watching what I would do.

I scoff.

"Me? Sit with you? I have better things to do, Weasley," I laughed, turning around leaving him speechless as I walked into the cabin my friends were occupying.

"Abby," Cecile nods at me.

"Where's Pansy?" I ask her.

"Off to find your brother I'm sure," She laughs.

"Oh, of course," I laugh rolling my eyes, we sit and talk for a majority of the train ride to Hogwarts.

Later on a knock sounded on the door, I looked through the glass seeing Fred Weasley standing there holding something.

I opened the door.

"I thought that I had told you that I had better things to do," I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Of course, but you dropped this love," He smiled, handing me a leather bound journal.

"My journal! You didn't go through it did you?" I ask him.

"Of course not, what in the life of a Malfoy would I want to know about? I have a plenty interesting life there, Malfoy," He laughs.

"Oh there's copious amounts of things that are interesting about a Malfoy's life there Weasley," I say furiously.

"Oh really perhaps you could teach me," He says, looking me in the eyes.

"I will not be associating with a Gryffindor!" I growl.

"Are you sure it isn't just because I'm a Weasley and you're a Malfoy," He smirks.

"Go away Weasley," I glared at him.

"If you say so," He smirks again and leaves my compartment walking away with a sort of swag that only someone who believes they won a battle does.

I breathe deeply and close the door behind me.

"What was that about, why was a Weasley twin talking to you?" Cecile asked me.

"He was returning my journal. Apparently it fell out of my bag when I was boarding the train," I say.

"Oh my merlin, did he read any of it?" She asks me dramatically.

"I don't think so but that Weasel better not have, otherwise I'll hex him into next week," I growled.

"I'll help you!" Cecile laughed alongside me.

By the time I had secured my journal inside of my bag we had arrived at the school and everyone was exiting the train one by one.

I waited in line for a carriage with Cecile and Pansy who had just left my brother and his little friends to come join us.

Pansy was Cecile's little sister yet our group was really close ever since last year when Pansy had arrived.

It used to be Cecile, Daphne Greengrass and I but ever since her little sister came here last year she had been devoted to her.

We arrive at the castle putting on our hats as we entered the Great Hall, the first years would arrive a little bit due to them taking the long way by the boats.

I sit down beside Cecile and Pansy at the Slytherin table, Marcus Flint Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team came over to where we were sitting down beside me.

"Marcus," I nod to him.

"Abby..." He smiles.

"What do you need?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to know if you'd go on a date with me to Hogsmeade?"

Marcus Flint was a year older than I was and was so persistent with asking me out on dates, I see that my little brother had heard what Marcus had asked and was nodding his head at me.

I knew that if I said no Draco and I wouldn't be accepted on the Quidditch team it was only temporary right?

I sighed.

"Fine," I say looking at Flint.
He grins and turns back to his friends telling them the news.

"I thought you hated Flint?" I hear Cecile whisper to me.

"I do..." I answered her. "I'll tell you later."

With that we continued the feast amidst the laughter and excitement of the sorting ceremony as well as the dinner cooked for us by House Elves in the kitchen.

Word count: 1573

A/N: okay so so far I've done reader insert stories but for once I decided to do one with my OC so yeah here y'all go, don't hate on it.

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