chapter 2

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The school was now back on its regular schedule after a week. Severus' parents never threatened to sue or even come to the school when given the message, so everything ran as if nothing happened.

One class that was uncomfortable to enter was Potions. This is where Severus' body was found. It felt like he was still in there.

James' hands were shaking all through the period he could barely focus. Right next to him was an empty chair. A chair where a certain Slytherin would sit and he’d tease him the entire period.

James was uncomfortably quiet until Professor Slughorn started talking about Severus. He gritted his teeth trying not to lose his temper.

“Let us remember Severus as a gentle soul, beloved by students and staff alike. Let's remember him loving to read, his favourite thing to do is help his peers, and his favourite subject, potions.”

James felt sick. All this time hearing this incorrect bullshit about Severus from these damn attention seekers who claimed to be his friends. Just two weeks ago they all were laughing at him.

Their words rang in his ears.

“Severus was so funny.”

A Gryffindor boy said.

James believed it was utter bullshit. They only laughed when he was being tortured. When James tortured him.

“He was so nice.”

A Hufflepuff girl said.

James scowled. Who did she think she was fooling? Severus called her a moron last month.
Severus wasn't nice he was stuck up. James started to think he made a lot of sense now. Everyone was making fools of themselves.

“He was so smart.”

Some Ravenclaw said.

Sure everyone thought he was a genius when half their year cheated off him or took advantage of his poverty by paying him a minuscule amount of money to do several lessons worth of homework for them.

‘I deeply hope he gets better.’

A Slytherin said.

That asshole. He treated Severus like shit for being a half-blood. He was almost as bad as the marauders. He must want the good press, so no one suspects him of being a death eater.

James tuned out at that time. Hearing a teacher sound just like the students made him sick. “I CAN'T TAKE THIS!” James threw his cauldron on the floor and stormed out.

The rest of the gang followed quickly after James into the bathroom. “I can't do it. Everyone whispering like I'm not there, telling all these lies about Severus, and I can't keep doing it.” James was on the verge of screaming or hexing the entire school.

“They're just jealous because you're too handsome prongs.” some may think this would be an inappropriate time to joke, but that cheered James up.

“Did anyone hear anything about Snape?” of course James couldn't say snivellus anymore.

Peter reluctantly said something. “In class, Marlene said Severus calling out ‘mutt’ like a madman.”

Sirius's eyes jumped as he made the connection. “I have to go.” If he didn't leave now Snape could be committed.

Remus grabbed him by the arm. “Where the hell are you going James need us?”

James looked up at Sirius. It was hard to tell if James wanted to hug Sirius or kill him.

“Im sorry James I need to go to the bathroom.”

“But we're in the bathroom?” Peter pointed out.

Fuck. Normally Sirius was a better liar, but he was conflicted and in a hurry. James had Remus and Peter. Severus was alone. He cursed himself for letting himself get so attached to the boy.

“I can't explain, but I need to go. You'll be okay right, Prongs?” Sirius rubbed his shoulder.
He felt so lucky James couldn't stay mad at him. 

“Don't stray for too long.” James faked grinned.


“Mutt!” Severus called. He was in baggy robes. Sirius saw a desperate side of Severus. Like he’d die if he never saw that dog again. Well, he couldn't have the boy dying.

The black mutt jumped on Severus’. Despite his pain, Severus still hugged the dog. “Hello, mutt.”
The black dog began to lick his face causing Severus to laugh.

“I came up with a name for you. Raven. Like the muggle poem”

If Sirius wasn't already upset about this then this took the cake. Who names a dog after a bird?

“There's been talk of having me committed or sent home and soon I'll have to face those Marauders. Seems like everywhere I turn is another hell.” he tried to maintain his stoic demeanour, but he let his tears slip out.

There's no way he’d tell him this if he knew the dog was Sirius. There's another reason to feel guilty.

Sirius moved so Severus could cry into his fur. The poor boy was shaking for minutes. “You may be a mutt, but you're all I trust for now. The only one who won't hurt me.” Severus said.

Sirius ran off to get Severus something. “Raven!” he cried out.

Sirius wasn't gone that long, but he came back with a bag of food he stole. Sirius didn't believe they need it as much as Severus.

“Thank you. I've been so hungry. The food in the infirmary isn't exactly desirable.” Severus started eating and every now and then he'd give some with Sirius.


“I know you're here.” a familiar voice.

“H-him.” Severus gripped the dog tightly. 

“What the hell is this.” For once James wasn't looking for trouble with Severus, but Severus didn't know that.

“Stay away from him you or I’ll hex you.” That was a bluff. Severus wand was taken away from him.

James was just about to spill the beans until Padfoot growled at him. “I’m not going to hurt you... get better Snape,” he said delicately before leaving with Remus and Peter. 

Severus clutched the dog closer. “Let me read to you.” even though sound boring as hell the dog barked in approval.

“You stood us up to humiliate Severus!”

Sirius took immediate offense. “This isn't some prank James!” He shot back. “Look I went to visit Severus and had to disguise myself. Now he thinks I'm his pet. I can't leave him now he'll fall apart.”

This made James shut up. He thanked the stars Peter and Remus were in the library looking up guilt symptoms or whatever.
“What will you do if he finds out you're you?” James asked a question Sirius didn't consider.

“He won't as long as you don't tell anyone,” Sirius said. “Look I may not always sleep here. Severus wants is getting a private dorm in a few days and he may do something off the wall if Im not there.” Sirius said. 

James couldn't disapprove of this. It wasn't his place to deny Severus happiness. “Okay Pads. Do you mind sleeping in my bed tonight? It's been a rough week. Not nearly as horrid as Severus’, but-”

“I get it.” Sirius stripped took off his robes and slipped into his white tank top and shorts. He climbed into bed waiting for James.

James wore the same sleep clothes as Sirius when he got into bed. He didn't know why he felt his chest getting hot he never felt this when he shared a bed with Sirius. Sure he thought Sirius was the most handsome guy on campus, but Sirius was straight and he liked Lily. He already lost Lily he couldn't risk losing one of his best friends.

“Hey, Snape's not like your new best friend?” James asked. He immediately wished he didn't say it. It sounded so needy.

“Don’t worry you're like an STD. Impossible to get rid of.” Sirius joked.

“Fuck you, Sirius,” James smirked. 

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