

The girl made her drive down to the book shop, where she entered the door and rang the bell. She gave a tight-lipped smile at Hugo, who sat judgmentally behind the counter. She walked to the back room and set her bag down, pulling out her notebook to write a few reminders.

Rain thumped delicately on the roof as she scribbled letters onto the lines, and she let her mind wander. For some reason, she felt like she was forgetting something. She tried her hardest to think of anything else she had planned for the week, all while doodling random shapes in the corners of the paper.

She wrote down the plans with Techno. She wrote down her work schedule for the week. She wrote down her upcoming college assignments. What was she forgetting?

Cat food.

That was it, now she remembered. She looked back down at her paper to write it down, but stopped for a second. She knit her eyebrows together as she stared down at the countless little hearts that she had drawn all over the paper. She decided to not question it, and instead quickly wrote down a reminder to get food for Claude. She shoved her notebook back into the bag and headed out to the front of the store, ready to take over the register.

Hugo was silent as they traded places.


Work went by slowly once again, and it was time for Maisie to close up shop. As she gathered up the stray books that lay strewn about the store, she heard the bell above the door chime.

"Sorry, we're closed!" she called over her shoulder, not bothering to turn fully.

"But I just wanna look around." said the customer with a laugh.

Their voice was familiar. Maisie turned to face them, and was met with Technoblade standing by the door. His hair was lightly dripping wet with rain, and he had shed his coat upon entering the warm building.

She let a smile grow on her lips before snapping back to her usual stone-faced expression. "Sorry, but I have to ask you to leave." she said sarcastically.

He held his hand over his heart and let his jaw hang open, feigning offense. "How dare you. Who can I complain to about this?"

Maisie shrugged with a smile. "Nobody."

"Whatever," Technoblade chuckled, dropping the act as he stepped further into the store. "How was work?"

"Good..? Did you come all the way here just to ask me that?"

"Yes. I got lonely." he said, expressionless.

"How strange." she hummed, sliding past him to get to a bookshelf.

"Mm." he followed her with his eyes, watching as she danced around the shop.

She looked so delicate in this setting; her hair was tied into a pony tail, and she had curled it into perfect ringlets at the ends. And her movements were fluid and practiced, like she had done this every day of her life without fail or disruption. Then there was her hands, which effortlessly carried stacks of books as she brought them to their rightful places with ease.

He continued to observe her until she had put away every book in sight.

Maisie turned to him and heaved a tired sigh. "I gotta grab my bag from the back." she informed him.

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