As entertainment or by taking pity on me, Q used Helena―someone who was trying to mosey her way into a promotion which turned fatal. What was first for amusement, soon turned into sheer frustration because Helena was the mistake, she was hell bent on crippling the NYPD and finding Q, more than team AB. Thankfully, her philandering was put to a stop and she’s now in someone else’s hair at a correctional facility (for how long she remains breathing there, I have no intention of knowing).

      In comes Amanda Jane, the blonde haired PA whom I have no care of remembering. At first I just thought she was the stereotypical dumb broad that fawned over a broken heart. Little did I know at the time that she was working with Helena (probably to aim for a bigger pay slip, and Sam’s undying love). The goals were left unreached and no victory befell either woman, for I am still contending for Sam’s affection and the wrath of Q to make him slip up. Bringing me to the next point, Nikita snapped and killed Amanda Jane―stuffing up both Helena’s and Q’s plan. The reasons for his actions are locked deep into his subconscious, a place where all wise people steer clear from, but personally, I idolise Henry for his sheer determination to get rid of Amanda Jane.

      Victory for our side was short lived, concluding in many bloody noses and late-night seizures brought on through advancement of the Diablo gene―something Q’s fascinated with, yet fears at the same time. Intelligence is his game; he likes to outsmart everyone and gloat about his intellectual capabilities, not losing to a bunch of Diablos whom can unlock the workings of the universe in their pyjamas on a cold winter’s morning. The seizures were able to be combated, and that hurdle was passed.

      Q puts us in a dangerous position with a media storm over Derek’s murder, a man who had no obligation to die nor deserved too. He left three beautiful girls and a loving wife behind, those who will never forget their brave father who was taken too soon by a man too unstable. Maybe Q warped Nikita’s inhibitions to use his blood on Jax Sinclair, possibly as a test to see how far the extent of the blood would have on the neural cortex of a normal person’s brain.     

      Drama after drama the Belvedere massacre happens, when Nikita’s reached his worst point, struggling between the restraints of Q and what’s better off for himself as a human being. The chaos has been kicked up again by the use of Nikita’s blood once more, experimenting on defenceless people and seeing how far they can turn. These actions caused Nikita to reach out to the police and spill the secrets of Angel Blue―that it had been done before and that there were objections.

      The strange case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, a complex which Snag seems to suffer from and one that Nikita has found himself trapped. The inner demon which a Diablo can neither outrun or stop, the downfall of all great minds is itself―genius destroyed by madness, a fire burning itself out…a mind working to the point of vegetation. A horrific side effect of functionality that seems to be brought on by the loss of a lover, Dianne in Nikita’s state and the mystery woman that captured Snag’s heart.

      “You’re not far off the mark,” a voice comments by my side. The musky smell of aftershave assaults my nostrils, making me mentally ask myself if figments of my imagination can actually shave their faces. “That being said, how long is a piece of string?”

      It’s occurred to me that my boyfriend’s (dead) father pops up at the most inconvenient of times, he brings no answers to my queries, just more questions to add to the: ‘TOO HARD’ pile. I don’t shift my gaze from the mess I’ve made of the whiteboard, I just inhale and exhale. If I speak to Greg, situations will get worse―I don’t need the distraction.

      “The cold shoulder isn’t a technique you’ve mastered yet, Detective,” he says folding his arms in the liveliest way possible (I mean seriously, you’re dead for God sake). “In fact, the answer is staring you straight in the face; you’re just too blind to see it.”

ANGEL BLUE [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें