meet two eye witnesses

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The trio arrived at cornfield far from canterlot city and sandalwood turn right on dirt path to see two people who waiting for them while sitting back of trunk.

1st one is short and average man with peach skin, bald, emerald green eyes. Wearing light blue shirt, green cargo pants, and shoes.

2nd one is skinny and very muscular young man with red velvet skin, flat top greenish hair, and sapphire eyes. Wearing light blue tanktop, brown pants, and sneakers.

Sweet leaf: "they must be them right now."

He parked his van and turn off the engine and trio open the doors to exit and closed it. They walked up to them to greet.

Sunset satan wearing red sleeveless hoodie, tore blue pants and nike sneakers. Her hair into a bun And then she said to them, "you must be orange plum what mr. Waddle talking talking with sweet leaf about this morning."

Orange: "yup, and this is ruby cake, He's my helper to help me with the corns."

Sandalwood: "that's good, how many acres you got, mr. Plum."

Orange: "24,000 acres."

Sunset that amaze about orange got 24,000 acres of cornfield and said, "so orange, I heard you have activity at your field." Sweet leaf pull out pencil and notepad begin writing about orange told them, "in few days ago, by night we're quit for today but we heard something really high pitch scream at the dead tree right there in cornfield sound like a someone who step on puppy.

Sunset: "recently happened."

Ruby: "3 weeks ago, sound like right behind tree, last time to heard another sound like a woman screaming in fear."

Trio become scared to hear that from ruby and said, "that we heard at the woods behind mr. Waddle house yesterday."

Sandalwood: "totally."

Sunset look at orange plum, "it's okay with you, we come back here tonight to keep our ear out and decide to check it out then."

Orange: "sure do for a person who to fix fence for mr. Waddle yesterday."

Sunset: "no problem with the help of my friends."

Sandalwood and sweet leaf: "that's right."

[New chapter is out for this story]

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