the investigation

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Sunset satan exit the house while wearing regular red shirt with blue short overalls and tennis shoes. Her hair into a ponytail. She carry four wooden medium planks underneath the right armpit while holding metal bucket with box of nails and hammer inside.

"Hey sis."

She turn around to see scootaloo riding her scooter towards her with thunderbass and sandalwood. Scootaloo said to her demon sister with warm smile, "are you heading to mr. Waddle house to fix backyard fence."

Sunset satan: "yup."

They begin walking on the sidewalk towards mr. Waddle house in few blocks over and arrive to see mr. Waddle sitting in his chair at the front porch and spotted sunset satan and the group arrived.

Mr. Waddle: "hello there sunset satan and thank you to fix backyard fence for today."

Sunset satan: "no problem at all mr. Waddle. We love to help the neighbors in need."

Sandalwood: "totally."

Mr. Waddle leads the group towards the backyard to see a fence have little huge hole on it and thunderbass said with shocking expression, "geeze, what kind of animal do this lately?" Sunset satan got a idea inside of her head and said, "let's investigate at other side of the fence."

Scootaloo: "good idea sis."

They went other side of the fences and spotted An wolf feet print of a wolf and saw claws mark on the fence.

Mr. Waddle: "you kids found something behind the fence."

Sunset Satan: "it look like a wolf come here to broke your fence, mr. Waddle."

Mr. Waddle: "dear me. What kind of wolf is it."

Sunset Satan: "sweet leaf is coming here from her house with trail camera."

Mr. Waddle: "that's wonderful."

They then heard a woman bloody screaming inside deep of the woods from 10 miles to them and sandalwood said, "dudes what was that noise? It like woman screaming of horror." And they then heard another noise inside deep of the woods again with female wolf howling.

Scootaloo: "it's sound like a female wolf. Guys."

Thunderbass: "yeah, what's going on inside deep of the woods."

Sunset Satan: "I don't know but let's pretend never hear that."

Sandalwood: "agree with you, dude."

[New chapter is out]

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