Pt 8: I'll Only Ask Once

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"Ren!!" Ushar bellowed as he stormed into his master's quarters unannounced and uninvited. "Are you fucking kidding me?!!" He yelled, his boots carrying him through the hallway, not giving a moment of thought to his actions as he often didn't. Unlike most of the Knights and especially their Master, Ushar acted on instinct. On pure animalistic instinct. No filter, no thought, no consideration of consequences. Indeed his lack of calculation to his actions had landed him in hot water with Ren on a number of occasions.

This wouldn't be the first, and it most certainly wouldn't be the last.

"Ushar stop-" Vicrul tried to protest, as he always did when his partner began a tirade against Ren, following closely behind Ushar, desperately trying to stop the Knight before he did something he'd regret. Yet again.

"You're seriously going through with this?! Are you fucking insane?!" Ushar continued as he descended the stairs into Ren's bedroom, uncaring of the line he was crossing and the mistake he was making as he landed on the ground of his Master's personal and private space.

Not giving a single fuck.

He removed his helmet and launched it across the room, the mask clattering to the ground with a loud thud. His hair collapsed against his shoulders, trailing down his back as he ran a hand through it, somehow making the action look menacing. His master was at his desk. His mask and outer armour removed as he scribbled away with his pathetic little calligraphy. Ushar didn't care for his master's obsessions with futile little exercises. Meditation. Calligraphy.

The lot of it was all a load of nonsense as far as Ushar was concerned.

Ren remained seated, ignoring the Knight as his raw anger poured out of him, filling the room, clouding his judgment.

"Fucking listen to me!!" Ushar screamed as he marched toward his master, standing at his side as he continued with his writing, not even bothering to look at him. "You're a fucking idiot if you're seriously going to let that bitch on board our ship for a second." Ushar seethed, breath ragged and violent as he clenched his fists. Ren was being foolish, stupid. He admired him, respected him more than any other man in the galaxy.

But not this time. This time he was wrong.

Letting a woman like that on board was fucking insane. Despite her little confession, Ushar wasn't satisfied with how much they knew about her. She could be anyone, or working for anyone. The resistance or other First Order rebel groups. A preacher of the light side, a lost Jedi. She could be a vengeful whore from a fucking pleasure house as far as they were concerned.

She could be anyone. Do anything. She was still a threat. To all of them. And Ren's senses were being blinded by a pretty face and a bratty little mouth. Even Ushar had to resist admiring her, though he feared Ren wouldn't have as much self control, especially when she got on board.

"Leave. Now." Ren muttered. "I'll only ask once, Ushar."

The Knight chuckled, shaking his head at his Master.

"And what are you going to do if I don't, Ren?"

"Ushar don't." Vicrul protested again from the doorway to Ren's bedroom. Ushar ignored him.

"You gonna force choke me? Huh? You gonna stab me with your fucking pen?" He laughed. Pushing the limits of what even he thought was acceptable to say.

"Watch it." Ren shifted his head to the side, still averting his full gaze from the Knight as he continued with his tirade.

"No no you wouldn't do that because you can't do shit without me! Without us! Definitely can't find these buyers without us because who else is going to hold you back when you can't control yourself around her?" Ushar unloaded on his master without thinking, without considering the words slipping off his tongue. Screaming in Ren's face. Suddenly Kylo Ren stood, squaring up to the Knight. The two of them looking like a couple of drunken brutes.

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