Pt 6: I'll Kill Her Too

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I've been waiting for this one......

Warnings: Explicit sexual content!!
Very small amount of degrading
No aftercare or safe words
Unprotected sex
{pls be aware of this when reading this chapter. I again want to emphasise that this is all in the realms of FANTASY and a lot of it should remain that way. Pls be safe out there loves. Enjoy ;) <3 }


Kylo Ren landed the TIE fighter in the middle of nowhere, in the scorching heat of the suns of Tatooine. Stepping out of the ship, he looked around at the endless sands stretching out infront of him. Chest rising and falling with gentle breath. Lifting his hands to release the clasps on his mask, he freed his face from the garment, and looked upon the desert with his own eyes, narrowing them at the city in the distance: Mos Eisley.

The place where his death had been bought.

He chucked his mask inside the ship, along with the rest of his gear, changing into regular clothes, and tying up the top section of his hair so to not be recognised. Though he could take care of himself, coming to a place that had such a dislike for the Order without security or his Knights was dangerous to say the least, and Kylo thought it best to go incognito. So with nothing more than a blaster and a dagger, Kylo Ren headed for the city. Eager to find what he was looking for.


The Cantina was probably the 4th best cantina Kylo had ever been to. Full of drunks and brutes and people from all stretches of the galaxy, shitty music and strong alcohol. Exactly what he was looking for.

He'd found nothing in regards to the buyers, or his assassin, despite his extensive searching throughout the city for the past three days. Perhaps if he had come here with the full force of the Order, or his Knights, more intel would have been offered up. But something in Kylo told him that wasn't the right call, that it would take something else to find the buyers.

It had been three days since the interrogation. Three days since he'd laid eyes on his assassin. And something in him had started to urge him to return to her. Why exactly that was, was a mystery to him. She'd nearly killed him for starters, and gods her wit had infuriated him. All he knew was that he didn't care for how much she'd been on his mind since the interrogation, so he intended to drink and fuck the thoughts of her away. And this shit-hole of a cantina seemed like a good place to start.

He took a seat at the bar, ordering the strongest drink they had to offer, eyes scanning the place as the bartender fixed his drink and slid it over to him. He gulped it down and ordered another, his gaze landing on a half decent woman in the corner. She was around his age, long, blonde hair trailing down to her hips, eyes bright and gleaming as she fake laughed her way through a conversation with a hideous looking man, his hand resting loosely on her thigh. Kylo rolled his eyes, ordering another drink after downing the second.

He turned back to face the woman, to find that she was already looking back at him, practically batting her eyelashes at him as she smirked a little. The corner of Kylo's mouth twitched up as he watched her rake her eyes over him, mischief in her eyes. Kylo did the same, before flittering his eyes back to hers. He watched her stand up, giving the man she was with a throw away reason for her departure, before heading into the back, eyes never leaving Kylo's as she nodded her head in the direction of the room. Kylo downed his third drink and casually made his way to the back with her, eager to let his mind relax, just for a little.

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