Pt 2: Gentlemen

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//Author Notes: hi to anyone reading! Hope you're enjoying it so far. I know these first chapters have been a bit long but I promise the next chapter is where it's all going to kick off so please just bare with me! :)))) //

The buyers were right. They had all the resources you could have possibly needed to complete the job, including an actual TIE fighter and flight suit, First Order schedules, locations, plans and codes. They knew the whereabouts of nearly everyone who you could come in to contact with on the job. They knew who was in charge and the subsequent chain of command aboard the destroyers and bases. They knew what their tactics would be if you were captured, who you'd be sent to first and where you'd be held on board. The list goes on. They sure as hell knew their stuff, and as the days went on, you were actually finding yourself becoming confident in this mission, like nothing could happen that you wouldn't be prepared for, like no one could stand in your way.

You hadn't asked questions about who they were or how they knew so much about the Order. They were very secretive, all of it was very hush hush. Which for some reason you liked. You were never one to grovel at buyers for resources or to try and find out who they were and why they wanted the target dead, and of course their secrecy was expected and justified given the fact they were hiring you to kill the Supreme Leader of the First Order, and paying you 5 million credits to do it.

Each meeting with them was at a completely different location on Tattoine, all of which were very secluded and empty. You were yet to see the faces of the men in the robes, but you knew they were the ones behind all of this, the ones who decided to do it in the first place, and the stormtroopers? They knew all of the intel, they were their way of making it all possible. And you? You were just the one who was going to pull the trigger.

You knew a lot of people wanted the First Order gone, but you'd never thought people would go about it this way. A part of you wondered if this was even about the Order, or if it was simply about the man running it, but again, you didn't ask. You knew little about Kylo Ren. Mainly just snippets and accounts and tellings of his violence which had always, weirdly, impressed you. You'd heard he could wield the force, whatever that meant you weren't so sure. To you the force had always seemed like just a bunch of space mumbo jumbo, just simple tricks and illusions, and yet, as the mission date grew closer, a part of you found yourself growing intrigued, almost excited to come face to face with the infamous Kylo Ren, and maybe see for yourself if any of this 'force shit' was real. Of course, your insight into his so called 'powers' wouldn't last long considering you were being paid to shoot him in the head.

"Each TIE fighter has it's own docking code, these change every 12hour on the First Order ships and bases. You've got about 8 hours till the next change so that's how much time you'll have to land."

The stormtrooper continued to explain the plan to you for the thousandth time this week. All of you were gathered outside the TIE fighter, in a secluded spot in the dry sands of Tattoine. (Gods you hated the sand)

"Uh-huh." You uttered, pulling on the flight suit over your ordinary assassin gear. They all were watching you, no doubt on the edge of their metaphorical seats. You'd come to learn it had taken them two years to find someone willing to even attempt the job. Why they hadn't come to you as a first choice was a mystery to you, but it had given them time to formulate their plans, down to every last detail, so they'd told you.

You knelt down to check your bag one last time. Sniper. Holo card. Blaster. Dagger. The essentials. Grabbing the bag, you stood back up and gazed around at the group of buyers.

"Thank you. For this job." The corner of your mouth twitched up for less than a second. They all nodded at you as you began to climb into the TIE fighter, chucking your bag and the flight helmet at your feet. You turned to look at them again. "So the payment will find me?" You enquired one more time, their strange payment method again playing on your untrustworthy mind.

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