Chapter 1 - An unusual encounter

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Techno had always been a good fighter, he knew that. He had to be, he was the provider for his little family.

Well, they weren't exactly his family. None of them were blood related, but it didn't change the fact that he cared for them deeply.

He was the oldest of the three that he deemed his "family", the other two were considered as his younger brothers. The second oldest being a young man at the age of 19 and part phantom, Wilbur had chocolate brown hair that was messy yet styled at all times. He had the ability to go phase between walls and at times go invisible, perfect for popping out or to scare someone. He was quite a shy individual, turning invisible once anything overwhelmed him.

Techno had found him hiding in a dark alleyway, shading himself from the sun back a few years ago while holding onto an even younger boy with feathered arms. This he soon learned was Tommy, a chicken hybrid, although Tommy much preferred the term Avian.

Tommy was the opposite to Wilbur, a loud child who was arrogant most of the time, always making himself sound better than he actually was. Or as Wilbur liked to call it "a cocky brat", which was pretty accurate. The youngest brother was only 15, so most of his Avian side hadn't come out yet. Leaving him with fluffy arms, from feathers that were yet to grow out to glide across the sky with and fall slower.

Techno took both in around 5 years ago back when he was only 16, making him the age of 21 in the present day. He himself was a half-breed of Piglin, a strong fellow, immune to the effects of lava and heat due to his natural habitat of the Nether, with little tusks protruding from his bottom teeth poking out of his lips. He had long pink hair that he normally tied back into a ponytail or braid of some sorts.

Either way, out of both his brothers he was the only one who could go and hunt food for them, Wilbur couldn't go out into the sunlight or he would burn, and Tommy, well, there was no way Techno trusted that kid to grab enough resources to feed all three of them.

So here he was, in the forest next to L'manburg, picking herbs for Tommy and tracking down any animal that could serve as dinner for tonight. Although he wasn't having much luck. The herbs Tommy liked the most were nowhere to be seen and due to him being a vegetarian with his Avian nature he couldn't eat meat like Techno and Wilbur. And all the animals had seemed to have disappeared, not one in sight.

"Ugh, come on" he grumbled, taking the crossbow off his back and loading it back with a trap involving rope and a few stones to take down anything from the skies. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword while his eyes stayed glued to the dense mass of trees in front of him. There was bound to be something soon, there had to be! Otherwise it would be another night where all three of them would go hungry.

Techno once even thought that he should find a job as a 'Hunter', due to his skills in fighting and brute strength. Again neither Will or Tommy could do anything to help out as both of them had no experience in fighting or really going outside into the world. It was a scary place after all.

Even so, Techno had refused to do such a job. Much of it was his pride talking, him believing that he could do just as good a job without the title of 'Hunter'. Also it would mean actively hunting out other more endangered hybrids, such as the Merlings and Enderians. And with two other hybrids living with him, as with him being a hybrid himself he preferred to leave the job alone.

God damn, the pay would've been good though.

He shook his head, snapping himself out of his thoughts. It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a job to give him money so he can buy the overpriced goods in the empire, he could do just as well and better himself and on his own.

His deep voice groaned again in frustration at the lack of animals, and started to shift away from his spot he was in to head back home. What were the boys gonna think when they saw the lack of food in the sack on Techno's back. It brought shame to Techno, annoying him that he couldn't do more to provide for those he cared about.

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