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The world is full of many wonderful and fantastic creatures, these include what the world calls hybrids.

"Hybrids", a cross between two creatures, most of the time a human and another animal. Long ago you would be able to see these crosses almost anywhere across the land. Beautiful creatures living with the benefit of sharing features with other beasts.

However the world never seems to maintain peace for too long. Eventually wars broke out between the greedy humans who were jealous of their fellow mixed-breed friends. Hunters searching long and far to claim the creatures to show off to others as décor or a coat of some kind.

And while some hybrids who were deemed "common" stayed safe from the lack of resources that could be gathered from them, other breeds were not as lucky. Having to go into hiding for the fear of their extinction.

Hybrids such as the Merlings and Enderians could be estimated to only have a few thousand left surviving. While Piglins and Goat hybrids lived in the hundreds of thousands, living peacefully to some extent with the humans who had caused their friends to die.

However the hybrids who were pursued the most were the mysterious Elytrians. Creatures sharing features with those of a bird. Wings which were said to be as soft as silk when touched, feet and hands like talons, sharp but yet so very delicate. Fluffy ear tufts which could be pinned to the hunters suit to flaunt their poor prey off to others.

They were said to be extraordinary fighters, so swift and nimble their opponent would struggle to even get a single hit on them. It was said that if you could take down one of these magnificent creatures you would be set for life, be called a celebrity in not just your own town but possibly the whole empire.

Yet the desire for these poor creatures soon took its toll, as the numbers of how many Elytrians were seen or even assumed to be alive decreased rapidly and were now practically non-existent. No one knows how many of the Elytrians still survive, they hadn't been seen in years...

It was every creature for themselves in this world. Either you kill or you get killed. Even those half-breeds who partially lived in harmony with humans feared the wrath of their neighbours, despite their perks and advantages they were born with.

The world was harsh, and there was no time to look out for others except those who you call family. Taking a single look back could mean death, it's better to stick to what you know most and give yourself the best chance at survival than risk it all at one foolish mistake.


The empire of L'manburg showed these truths to their full extent. Their President, their "dictator" was a ruthless man, despite being a hybrid himself.

J.Schaltt, he was a ram hybrid, with twisted horns that curled around his ears and a fluffy tail that didn't match his harsh and cruel personality. He was unfairly elected around 7 years ago and somehow took over the entire empire in less than a few days, bending every citizen into his image of a perfect realm.

This included eliminating all of the "disgusting hybrids", or in other words the individuals who were strong enough to take his whole empire away from him. While some hybrids such as the ones deemed as useless were safe from Schlatts wrath, others were not.

He ordered for every Merling to be captured and stored away in a tank for spectators to gaze at, like a circus show. For every Enderian to be tied to a pole in the pouring rain, enduring the endless pain of being burned by each individual raindrop. And for the Elytrians, well, Schlatt knew how strong they could be, and so the threat they posed to him.

He ordered for every man in his perfect empire to hunt out the winged creatures, leaving none alive.

That was 6 years ago, his raid on the Elytrians, the poor creatures massacred from the unfair amount of men coming to take their lives. Even with their uncanny strength it seemed that they were greatly outnumbered.

With the combined events of the last hundred years it is unsure how many of these wondrous creatures live, even so if one was found its head would most likely come back on a spike. A trophy presented to the disgusting president.

There's no harmony.

Not anymore.

Not until someone is brave enough to step outside of the norm. Fighting to save what is right, even when everyone might be against them.

Can anyone break out of this terrible loop, and for the first time in generations fly free?

790 words

Fly Free - [Technoblade x reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя