He leans down and try to kiss her but his lips only briefly touches her lips before she turns her head to the side escaping the kiss.

"You don't know that." She says as the tears streaming down her face, staining her now rosy cheeks.

"I need to take Maddie to school" she whispers before walking away. Leaving Robert hurt and confused.


Maddie seats at the back seat as Andy's driving her to school. It's only a short drive, less than 15 minutes.

Maddie being only four, didn't really know what's going on between her parents. She notices small things.

Like how both weren't talking as much, not smiling as much. They used to hug and kiss a lot but that wasn't happening anymore and above all Maddie sees her father sleeping in the spare room every night instead in his and Andy's bedroom.

"Mommy" the four year old says softly.

"Yes Maddie?"

"Are you mad at daddy?" Andy chuckles at the question "no baby I'm not mad at him" she replies.

"You think I don't know things because I'm little but I know things." She comments the slightest attitude.

"Oh yeah? What do you know?" Andy knows her daughter. She's not stupid and she probably see how their conversation changed and the physical attention they use to share had changed over the past two weeks.

"I know you and daddy are not happy like you were a few weeks ago so I want to know what happened. Because I don't want daddy to leave again..."

"You are the smartest four year old I know you know that?" Andy tries to change the subject.

When she gets no response from Maddie she realizes she has to give her some answers "listen Maddie. Daddy and I are not mad at each other. We still love each other and you very much. But... there is something that could really change and effect our lives and it's kinda makes mommy scared and even sad sometimes but we'll get through this okay? And whatever happens, we both love you more than anything and we're still your parents."

Maddie doesn't say anything for a moment, hearing her mother's confession. She didn't want Robert to leave her and all she wanted was that everything would be back like before.
"Mommy when I'm scared, or sad what helps me is always a hug from daddy. The kind of hug you don't want to let go of because you know he loved you"

Andy's heart melts as she hears her daughter speaking so maturely.

"Yeah... a hug from daddy helps me too." She almost whispers as parked the car "now come on let's get you out of the car"

Andy and Maddie walked hand in hand to the entrance. Just before Maddie had to go in Andy bends down to the girls level.

"Maddie I love you more than anything you know that right?"

Maddie nods and right when she was about to turn to go in she turns back around to face her mother "mommy please make up with daddy. I liked how you are boyfriend and girlfriend and we have an almost normal family. I don't want it to be over..." she looks to the floor as she speaks and Andy's heart almost break when she hears it.

She give her daughter a kiss on her forehead and watches as she goes in with her teacher.


Robert parks the car and walks into the doctor's practice, Julie chose some private doctor with a long last name she heard good things about.

He spots her right away and walks over. Through the entire drive there he thought about how to starts the conversation, he isn't really interested of her. He cares about the baby.

Never againKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat