Chapter 9

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I didn't spend the night in the Hermes cabin. I was immediately moved to cabin three. Poseidon's cabin. It was long and low and was beside a section of the creek that flowed into the ocean.

On the inside, it was painted a deep blue, the shade that was only found at the bottom of the sea. It smelled like the sea and even had a water fountain inside.

Everything was covered in multiple layers of dust. Thankfully, I was alone, so I just caused  water to flow out of the fountain and hose down everything. Then I willed everything dry and prepared to sleep.

It was then I remembered the gloves that the water left in my hands. I had put them in my pocket when I got rid of the armour. They were a tan color, exactly the colour of my skin. They had weird inscriptions on them. I put them on, and immediately, I felt like I was injected with an overdose of caffeine.

The feeling was surreal. I felt power flow through my veins. Like I was supercharged. After a few minutes, I tried to take it off. Damn I tried but it wouldn't come off. I was at it for almost an hour. At a point, I swear I heard chuckling in the cabin. Then it occured to me that my dad was probably laughing at me, because there was no body in the cabin with me. So l left it on and went to sleep.

    Three days later

People have been avoiding me like a plague. Only a handful still interacted with me. Lou Ellen and Grover. oh, and Luke too. I can't really place it, but Luke gives me a bad vibe.

Not that I needed any friends, I mean, I spent six years of my life without any friends, just a trainer and a blacksmith. And I didn't die.

Nobody mentioned the hellhound, but I got the feeling they were all talking about it behind my back.
The attack had scared everybody. It sent two messages; one, that I was the son of the Sea God; and two, monsters would stop  at nothing to kill me. They could even invade a camp that had always been considered safe.

The other campers steered clear of me as much as possible. Cabin eleven was too nervous to have swordclass with me after what I’d done to the Ares folks in the woods, so my 'lessons' with Luke became one-on-one. He pushed me  harder than ever, at least to him and wasn’t afraid to bruise me up in the process. Though, I also gave him a black eye or swollen lips once in a while. Nothing some nectar or ambrosia couldn't fix.

One would think the relationship between Annabeth and I was strained, how wrong you were. She and her other siblings only shot me death glares. It was also kinda obvious that she tried to convince Lou ellen to join her. Too bad for her. Sometimes, she would see me and  walk away muttering to herself: “Quest.....Poseidon,............Dirtyrotten…Got to make a plan…” pssh, it's their business.

Right now, I was in my cabin. Chiron had instructed all the campers to return and stay in their cabins because something was wrong. Apparently, it isn't normal for rain to fall within the camp borders.

I didn’t have to share with  anybody. I had plenty of room for all my stuff. Which were the minotaur horn and a set of clothes.

Now that I was alone, I remembered to  check out my new glove. It was made of adamantine- a metal only found in specific parts of the ocean. Seeing as it was made in the sea, it can give me temporary boost  of energy. It's connected to my nerves which relays to my brain, or something like that. Its a bunch of biological mumbo jumbo stuff.

It was at times like these that I missed Iapetus and my time in the underworld. There was never a dull moment. But right now, I was too bored to do anything but sleep. So sleep I did. And for the first time in years, I had a dream. I heard a voice, ancient and gravelly, like a hundred vipers hissing in a baritone voice, persuading me to join him.

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