Chapter 7

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   Lou ellen

Dinner was always something to look forward to at camp. Apart from the fact that the campers without a table for their parent have to sit at the already crowded Hermes table, every other thing is good.

Dinner is always at sundown. You hear the conch horn, then we all move to the mess hall. Which is where I'm heading to now.

Just as I pass the bathroom stalls, I hear a voice snickering. A voice that can only be Clarisse. I'm already moving on, towards the mess hall when I hear another voice that unmistakably belongs to the newbie- Percy.

Then I realize that Clarisse probably on her way to give the 'initiation' into camp. I change my direction hurriedly, wanting to stop Clarisse from whatever stupid thing her cabin has come up with as an 'initiation rite'. Just as I see Clarisse grab Perseus by the collar, somebody else grabs my hand, pulling me to the side. When I turn, I see Annabeth.

"What's this Annabeth? You should be stopping -'. Suddenly, Annabeth clamps her hand over my mouth.

"Just. Watch." She growls at me, and when I look at her face, what I see is a vicious mask. The look on her face tells me a I need to know - she's mad.
She turns back to look at the scene in front of us, and her face curves into  a sinister smirk. "That rascal's gonna get what's coming to him".

With that I turn to see Clarisse dragging Perseus by his collar into the toilets, followed closely by four of her siblings. They all have smirks pasted on their faces. Just at the entrance of the ladies, Perseus suddenly digs his left foot ii the ground, causing Clarisse to stumble backward.

As Clarisse goes stumbling back, Perseus rams his shoulder into her back. The force behind the hit, launching her straight into the door of the toilet, her head making a hole through the maple wood door.

One of her siblings charged Perseus with a sword, bringing it down in an overhead arc. Perseus smirked and raised his weaponless hand, pushing the blade off its path and making the boy lurch forward. Wasting no time, he decked the boy in the side of his face, dropping him like a sack of potatoes.

Seeing this, two of the remaining Ares campers rushed him from opposite sides.  Both using spears. The first took a swipe at him with the spear, causing Perseus to jump back in the direction of the other spear wielder. He caught the spear of the guy behind him between his arm and side. The same side he was wounded in. Then, he used the spear to launch the one behind him into the one running at him from the left, snapping the spear,and causing them to fall in a tangle of limbs.

The first guy with the spear threw his spear, most likely hoping to impale the newbie. Perseus spun out of the way of the spear, rushed forward and delivered a series of well executed punches to the boy's jaw and stomach, before kicking him in the knee resulting in a loud snap, and then a scream of agony from the victim.

By this time, the scene had already gathered quite the audience. When I looked at Annabeth, she was slack jawed, probably from the shock of what just happened.

He turned around and locked eyes with Annabeth, and I could see his eyes darken where he stood. Then his gaze fell on me and he smirked, took a bow and then waltzed away, leaving his victim to be tended to by the Apollo campers who moved rather sluggishly to help them up.

Annabeth shook her head beside me and turned to face me and then, for the first time in years I saw fear in Annabeth Chase's eyes.

I groaned and asked "Just what did you do Chase?". Then she broke into a rant about how Perseus had approached her and Luke, in Grover's company, and how he had insulted her and how she went ahead and told Clarisse that he had called her and her siblings brain dead, war crazed imbeciles, and Clarisse, being Clarisse had taken action immediately, which led to the scene we just witnessed.

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