Jet black hair, high cheek bones, no trace of baby fat at all which is strange, because even Jax, a thirteen year old son of Ares still has baby fat on him. And he's a son of Ares.

"Come on Lou, what's the worst that could happen? Our whole lives change? It's just another demi-god, nothing to worry about". And with that thought, I leave the infirmary.
   Later that day

Luke's sword came down from above as I flung mine out, the two metals colliding with one another. I pushed back against his sword, putting space between the two of us as I took a second to regain my balance. My eyes flickered over to Chiron and Annabeth, who watched from the sidelines in anticipation, while Lee Fletcher sat in one of the benches around the two of us, waiting until one of us got injured.

Luke took another swing at me as I deflected, pushing myself back and twisting my feet into the earth below me.

"No powers!" Chiron called out, noticing what I was about to do. "Weapons only!"

I growled, advancing on Luke and landing a hit to his stomach with the end of my sword. He stumbled back, but regained his balance quickly with a smirk, swiping his sword at my feet. I stumbled backward, his other arm crashing down on mine as he yanked my sword from my hands, one blade placed behind my neck and one pointed at the front as I kneeled on the ground before him.

"Come on, Lou, are you really only good with a bow and arrow?" he teased, grinning as he pressed the blade closer to my neck. I smirked at him, amused by the situation. Luke and I had spared far too many times, all ending with his same signature move: trapping me between his swords. Unlucky for him, this time, that's exactly what I wanted him to do.

"Come on, Luke, you know I've got tricks up my sleeve," I bantered back with that same smirk.

Luke was suddenly knocked away from me, my sword (which was pointed at me neck) dropping from his hands as he was stabbed lightly in his shoulder. I grabbed my sword, hitting Luke's out of his hand as I recalled the foot and half dagger to return. I placed my sword and dagger in the same position that Luke previously had me in, smirking down at him as I planted my booted foot in his chest.

"Looks like your signature move failed for once,"

Chiron and Annabeth came running over, smirks on their faces as Luke got off the ground, dusting the dirt from his pants at the same time. I sheathed my sword, tying my hair up into a ponytail as I looked at Chiron.

"I must say, I quite like that new move with the dagger," he complimented, looking down at me. "Having him go high was a perfect distraction, allowing you just enough time to disarm Luke in order to make your move. Well done, Lou."

"Thanks Chiron," I said with a large smile, happy that I had managed to make him proud.

"How Chiron said no powers!" Luke exclaimed, looking up at me. I growled at him, making my dagger float in front of his mid section.

I do not like that boy, I never have, I said to myself before I laughed lightly , smirking over at Luke.

"That's enough for today," Chiron cut in, diffusing the tension that was slowly arising. "Annabeth and Luke, go get cleaned up in time for dinner. Lou, you should go down to the armory, Grover will be there soon with the new demi-god."

At that moment, I look up and see the said duo walking towards the armory. Percy and I make eye contact (or maybe I imagined it), before I quickly withdraw my gaze, what he said earlier in the infirmary, coming back to me and I try to fight down a blush. Chiron sighs when he sees the tinge of pink in my cheeks.

"You are too young for that Lou", Chiron states and I blush even deeper.

"You want him to start training right away?" I questioned as soon I regained composure.

"He  defeated the Minotaur without any assistance, so I would like you to see this as a fact finding quest, to be done as quickly as possible."

"I still can't believe he was attacked by Pasiphae's son and the kindly ones, those are pretty powerful monsters to send after just any demi-god," I confided in Chiron, the two of us walking out of the training grounds as a couple of Athena and Apollo kids came in to train. "And thats not counting the hellhounds and other monsters after him". I looked up at Chiron, who hadn't said a word, and I raised an eyebrow. "Chiron, who is this kid? Do we know his parent? He's got to be important if a Minotaur went after him."

"He's very special, indeed," Chiron told me, stopping outside of the armory and turning to look down one me. "I suspect his father is Poseidon."

My breath hitched, eyes widening as I looked up at Chiron. It wasn't a joke, he was serious.

Lou, do you know what this means? I shook my head as I looked back at Chiron.

"A son of Poseidon?" Chiron nodded. "You think he's the child of the Great Prophecy, don't you?"

"Yes, and if he is, then it confirms that the Great Prophecy is about to start,"

"A child of the eldest gods", I mumbled, reciting a line of the prophecy as I ran a hand down my face. I looked back up at Chiron as he gave me a small smile, patting my shoulder.

"Try not to worry about it, Lou. Get to know him, find out him, and we'll see where it goes from there," Chiron trotted away, leaving me standing outside of the armory.

That's when I realized why Chiron picked me for this. Usually, it's either Annabeth or the stolls that does this kind of thing. But seeing as the stolls were still serving their time as  bathroom cleaners, that left Annabeth and I.

But with Chiron's suspicion, it wouldn't be ,... good, to put Annabeth with Percy. That left only me available for this job.
"Thanks a lot Chiron",  l mumbled as I walked into the armory, trying my best not to think about it.

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