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When the world ended, Luna only saw it as a blur

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When the world ended, Luna only saw it as a blur.

Years later, all she'd remember was her dad yelling, and punching a man who was trying to grab her brother. That's when she saw it's grey, pale skin, ebbing away at it's mouth. Her mother yelling, then, and the two of them being pushed into their truck, and they were gone.

She'd remember the people outside their car as they sped through the streets of Georgia, screaming, begging for help, some running after the car. Chaos ruled the streets, people taking things for themselves from stores, running people over, stealing, killing.

She couldn't understand why people were acting different all of a sudden. It was like something out of the books she would steal from the older sections in school. Or something out of a movie. Her mother was crying, and begging her father to stop and help people, but he kept driving. Her bother didn't seem to know what was going on, either, though he didn't seem very bothered as he drew pictures beside her. There seemed to be a lot of bumps in the road. Her mother said there were speed bumps and holes in the road, but even then, she knew what they were driving over.

She couldn't remember how they got to Hershel's farm, or why he let them in. He seemed rather calm about everything, and let them stay in his barn, where they slept. The next morning, there were two new people, asleep in the barn.

"I want to wake them up," Luna said, looking at the man and young girl. "It's getting late."

Her father walked over to the man, and kicked his foot.

"Get up!"

The man sat up with a yawn, but the little girl jumped up, itching her arms.

"I'm itchy!" She said.

"Well, you slept in a barn, little lady," Luna's father smiled. "Lucky you don't have spiders in your hair. But I bet your daddy scared them all away."

Both the girl and Luna started franticly squatting their hair, trying to get rid of spiders.

"Er, I'm not her dad," Said the man, who had stood up. "Name's Lee."

"I'm Kenny," Luna's dad turned to her. "Calm down, you don't have any spiders in your hair, it was a joke."

"It wasn't funny!"

"Dad! We're going to build a fence!" Luna's twin brother, Duck, appeared at the door, smiling. "There's a tractor and everything!"

"We better get going," Kenny said, as they all turned to leave. "Or we won't hear the end of it. That's my boy, Ken Junior. We call him Duck, though. And this here's Luna."

"Duck?" Lee questioned.

"Yeah. Nothing bothers him. Like water on a duck's back."

"That's a good trait, recently."

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