Chapter 26 - Job Opportunities Knocking At The Doorstep

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Hey there, here's another chapter with a news!

Happy Reading! :)


It was 9 in the morning, that Sanyukta and Randhir were disturbed out of their sleep due to constant ringing and buzzing of Randhir's phone. They were tired and still sleepy, especially Randhir, because he had gone late night driving towards the nearest ice cream parlour that had pistachios cassata and provided chocolate mousse topping on it. That was a difficult task for sure. They finally slept at 5 in the morning after finishing the delicious dessert and having sex twice.

It was a very eventful affair, that exhausted them to an extent that they didn't want to wake up now.

The phone ringing seemed like a thousand stones being thrown up onto them, waking them up from their sound sleep.

"Hello?" mumbled Randhir sleepily, annoyance dripping from every letter of the word, clearly defining 'FUCK OFF AND LET ME SLEEP'.

"Sir, Good news!" came the voice form the other side of the call, that finally woke him up, from his slightly dizzy state.

"Who are you? And what good news?" he suddenly asked as he realized that he was talking on the phone, with someone he didn't know, or he thought so. Then suddenly his brain triggered all his senses and made him gasp at his phone, reading the caller's name.

Kaustuki. Kaustuki? Good news? Is she pregnant? Freak. No. What is he thinking, he wondered.

Then he suddenly remembered their well discussed plan. Oh yeah, THE GOOD NEWS.

"Sir... Sir, are you there? Hello? Sir?.." he heard her words that defined her worried tone clearly.

"Uhh.. Yes, Kaustuki. Okay, so lets meet today, reach office at 9, okay?" murmured Randhir, as he stepped on the cold floor, finally sitting up lazily on their bed.

"Sir, it's 9 already. Good morning! Also I have reached office and am sitting inside your cabin!" exclaimed Kaustuki, as she couldn't suppress her laugh and sarcasm among her words.

What the? How could he not check the time while answering the phone, let alone checking the caller id before answering the call. Hah! How stupid of him.

His own PA was making fun of him? What wonderful days, he thought! (Note the sarcasm)

"Uhh.. Yeah.. Yeah.. Okay... I'll reach office by 10. Suit yourself." said Randhir, as he felt slightly ashamed of himself. He was kinda feeling awkward at receiving a sarcastic comment by his own employee.

He turned to see a totally fascinated Sanyukta, wide eyed, hysterically laughing her senses out loud.

So she had basically heard the whole one sided conversation and had contemplated Kaustuki words.

Yeah. The day couldn't get any better than this, could it?

"Ronny, you are so cute! Hahahahahahaha..hehehehhe.." She laughed as she caught him glaring at her, furiously.

"Good morning to you too," groaned Randhir angrily, as he whisked out of their bed to get ready for office.

Sanyukta was panting hard, as she finally controlled laughing, as she lacked air.

She silently stood up, walked towards the common washroom, to do her morning things.

Randhir got ready within 20 minutes, as he clouded on the steps downstairs, searching for his wife.

There she was, working in kitchen with Mary, the maid-cum-caretaker for the house and their residents, whom Randhir had appointed.

But seeing Sanyukta doing chores herself, it was useless to even appoint her.

He sat across the dining table, waiting for sanyukta to approach him for breakfast. But what he saw, was Mary bringing the dishes out of their kitchen, while he could see Sanyukta cleaning the shelves.

"Sir, your breakfast is here, and the lunch is being packed by Sanyukta Ma'am," said Mary, as she placed the dishes and went on serving it on the plate for him.

"Aunty, how many times have I told you not to call me sir and sanyukta ma'am. We are your kids, call us beta please!" said Randhir, as he stood up, holding out his hands and bowing on her feet, as he asked for blessings.

"Yeah aunty, we don't treat you like our caretaker, so please don't disrespect us with these words." said Sanyukta, as she came out of their kitchen with his lunch box in her hands, as she saw them both.

The duo convinced Mary to sit and have breakfast with them, like they do normally with every meal of the day.

One hour later, when Randhir left for work, there was a knock on their main door, as Mary went to look it up, while Sanyukta was busy taking bath.

"Haan boliye," asked Mary to the postman.

"Sanyukta Shekhawat?"

"Haan main hun Sanyukta, kahiye," said Sanyukta as she came running downstairs, super excited as to what could the postman have for her.

She signed for it, as he handed her a thin envelope, and the main door closed.


'''Miss Sanyukta,

This is to inform you that you have been appointed as the assistant of Sahil Kataria, News Editor, Human Resources Department, for Shekhawat Holdings, respectively.

We are pleased to say, that you can join in next week, on Monday.

The necessary details and information will be provided to you at the reception desk, of our Bandra branch.

Your work timings will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Though, your timings are flexible, and hence you can ask for a maternal leave or any emergency leave, when you feel the need to.

As regarded by Randhir Sir, Welcome to Shekhawat Holdings,

Thanking you,


For Shekhawat Holdings,

(Company Secretary)''

She was beyond amazed to read the letter. She was appointed by Randhir's company? How is that possible?

She suddenly remembered that she had emailed her résumé and other documents to the leading companies.

But she was regarded by her Randhir? She was surely happy, as Randhir was fair enough to get her appointed at the position she first had to work for, like any other candidate with qualifications like her.

She was happy that Randhir trusted her, upon him wanting her to work for his own company but didn't over-assist her in the process. She was glad that Randhir respected her individuality and gave her the position she would normally get, in any other company.

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