Start from the beginning

"You could have it." Eleanor offered her doughnut.

"No!" Jeanette shakes her hands and head nervously. "You should eat it. But can I at least hold it after you're almost done?"

Eleanor raised an eyebrow. "Ok."

Jeanette stared at her own food. Full of vegetables, and it's all done.

"Theodore!" Brittany shrieked. "Ew!"

Theodore stopped licking his hands. "What?" He spoke and Jeanette saw chocolate all over Theodore's face.

Jeanette was sure Brittany rolled her eyes, she just didn't see her sister do it due to her sunglasses.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses, Brit?" Jeanette asked.

Eleanor swallowed her food. "She hasn't removed it, even when she sleeps. Yeah, why is that Brit?"

Brittany crossed her arms. "It's none of your business."

Alvin laughed and Brittany glared at him.

"Are you guys really thinking why?" Alvin continued laughing. "Of course she'll wear sunglasses! No one would see how ugly she is if she wears sunglasses! Brit, you should wear a mask too."

Brittany sneered. "Oh, so Sir Alvin is really handsome huh? Should I say how much the old principal loved your efforts of courting her while SHE'S MARRIED?"

Alvin slammed his fists at the table. "I'm not the one who keep heads over heels at that...Jake!" He spat like he just said the most vulgar curse imaginable. He saw his brothers and friends raising their eyebrows at him. "Or Kevin."

"Alvin, you know the reason for that is-"

"Doesn't matter!" Alvin crossed his arms.

As Alvin and Brittany continued to argue, everyone else rolled their eyes.

Jeanette went back to pondering.


Jeanette turned to her pigtailed sister, handing her the last of her doughnut.

Jeanette held it and suddenly, the doughnut is once again whole.

"Eleanor, what do you see?" Jeanette asked.

"Uhh...everything?" Eleanor questioned her own answer, confused.

"I mean, is your donut whole or-"

"It's still the last piece. Why?"

Jeanette stared at the doughnut, which is completely complete in her eyes. "Nothing. Here you go." Jeanette gave the doughnut to Eleanor, which is again in its last piece.

Jeanette watched Eleanor eat said last piece and as it go through the throat down to the stomach. Her eyes squinted, she questioned her sight.

She took off her glasses and stared at it, squinting harder.

Her sight immediately worsened and she immediately wore her glasses as soon as she felt pain in her head.

She looked at Simon, who's still busy eating.

She's got something to do at home.

It's almost night, and all six were very tired from their Gifted class.

The topic, luckily for Jeanette, were something that includes the brain. She observed the class earlier. Alvin is sleeping, Simon is intently listening (but somehow dazed), Brittany is yawning here and there, Eleanor swung her feet back and forth in boredom, Theodore tried hard not to sleep.

ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks: The GiftedWhere stories live. Discover now