Chapter 11: Impossible Decision

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(XXX) play two is better than one

Three days passed since Rani became Queen, and Kion stood at the Southern Entrance of the Tree of Life beside the Lion Guard, Rani, Surak, Baliyo, and Afia. Opposed to them came Hasira and his various minions.

The Fisadi Lion's reappearance put the two Guards on edge. Rani would've preferred simply allowing the Night Pride or Lion Guard to handle the situation, given her ever-increasing duties, particularly now that she was Queen. However, upon learning that Hasira himself was there, she decided to personally ensure the threat to her Kingdom was removed.

"I understand the Tree of Life has a new Queen, congratulations on your coronation, Capet." Hasira chuckled, earning a feral snarl from Rani, who looked ready to tear him limb from limb.

"You should've run when you had the chance!" Kion roared.

Hasira's expression hardened into a growl.

"I'm done running from you, Plantagenet. Come and get me!" It took every bit of restraint Kion had not to break formation. He knew Hasira well enough to know the Fisadi wasn't stupid enough to try and force his way inside. Instead, he surveyed the terrain around them, a canyon filled with loose sand and spiky rock formations flanking them.

"What do you think?" Kion asked Rani, who similarly looked around.

"He came here for a reason."

"I'm waiting?" Hasira said in a particularly smug voice.

"I think they're sssscared of ussss." Ora hissed.

"Hah, like we're going to fall for something so obvious!" Bunga laughed.

"Yeah." Baliyo chuckled.

"Very well." Hasira growled.

Ono took a closer look at the invading army and realized Mama Bingteroung wasn't among them.

"Hapana, Binteroung's not there!"

"I see her!" Anga squawked, pointing at her as she scaled the various rocks trying to gain entrance into the Kingdom.

"Oh, no you don't!!" Afia snarled, racing off to try and intercept Binteroung.

"Afia, wait!!" Rani roared, a mixture of fear and frustration in her voice. The Night Lioness lunged for Binteroung, fangs and claws out. Binteroung grinned at Afia, and before she knew what happened, a pair of ravenous baboons leaped out from behind the rocks and knocked the Night Lioness down into the sand.

"Kill her." Makucha, Chuluun, and the other leopards charged forward to swarm Afia.

"Grrr! Attack!" Rani roared.

"Lion, Guard forward!" Kion roared with her. Both Guards charged down into the sand, Azaad and Fuli speeding ahead of the others and knocking aside two leopards who tried to flank Afia as she got up and battled Chuluun.

"Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted, swooping down to slash the baboons as they tried to jump on top of the cheetahs.

"Beshte, break them up!" Kion roared.

"Surak, provide backup!" Rani added.

"Twende Kiboko!" Beshte huffed, and barreled his way through Ora's komodo dragons like a freight train, or at least as best as he could. The loose sand didn't give him good traction for his charge. Luckily, Surak was there to help him, and the Night Lion crushed the dragons with his paws and bites just after the Hippo struck.

By then, Baliyo joined Afia, Azaad, and Fuli, challenging Makucha. In doing so, he created an opening for Kion and Rani to rush Hasira, who'd yet to join the battle.

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