Chapter 14: The Trio

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I just want to take a quick moment to apologize to everyone! After publishing last chapter I accidentally clicked the completed tab, and a lot of you got very worried. I apologize for this, but don't worry because this book had a quite a bit more chapters before it ends. Thank you for understanding! And enjoy this kinda shorter chapter.

Ellie walked forward first, crossing the lobby as she walked towards Y/N. "Ellie, listen, I-" Y/N began, trying to find some way to apologize, but he was wrapped in a hug instead of being scolded. "Just be quiet," she said quietly. Y/N seemed confused, he wasn't sure what the hug was for. The last time he checked, Ellie hated him, and him killing Dina probably didn't help that. Nonetheless, he put his arms around Ellie, just glad to be in this hug. Joel walked forward as well, putting his hand onto Y/N's head. They had officially found Y/N, they had officially accomplished their mission.

Chapter 14

Y/N's hand jerked, and the ball he was holding being flung. Alice jumped up, intercepting it out of the air with her mouth. She landed on her paws, turning on a beat and rushing back towards him. Her tail was wagging as she opened her mouth, dropping the ball back into his hand. He felt attached to the dog, despite not having known her for very long. I mean, climbing up a deathly high crane and killing humans together was a bonding experience. Joel was sitting on top the counter next to him, watching the interaction. "When did you have time to train a dog?" Joel asked, looking over to Y/N. "I didn't. From what I can gather it was Mel," Y/N answered. "Mel is...?" Ellie asked from nearby. She was sitting on the ground next to the two.

"Mel is the one giving birth," Y/N answered as he threw the ball again. He watched Alice sprint off towards it to try and catch it again. "I'm lost, why are you helping them again?" Ellie asked, trying to look up at him. Alice came trotting back, dropping the ball off once more. "Mel was the doctor that kept Dina and I alive, and she's also the one that came back for me," Y/N responded, his other hand resting on top of the dog's head. He pat her gently as he analyzed the ball, and then threw it again. Alice, once again, turned tail and took off for it. "Owen was a big reason I wasn't killed on the way here. Nora... I don't trust," Y/N spoke, trying to clue the other two in.

"So you trust them?" Joel asked, leaning forward. "Well, I would be dead otherwise," Y/N said, leaning backwards in his own chair. "That's all I need," Joel responded, a deep sigh coming from his mouth. The three sat in silence for a minute, before Y/N looked down to Ellie. "Hand me your gun," he said, holding his hand out. Ellie seemed confused, holding it away from him for a moment. She hesitated, and then brought it from her waist, setting it in his hands. Y/N pulled it back and analyzed the gun. It was the same make as his, although it could've used some cleaning. "I was the one that killed Dina," Y/N said, letting his hand drop in between his legs with the handgun.

"What?!" Ellie immediately exclaimed, moving to her feet. "Y/N, you can't blame yourself for something like that," Joel spoke, trying to ease the situation. "No, Joel, that's not it. I was the one who shot her," Y/N kept going, keeping an eye on Ellie. "You... did what?" Joel asked, holding an arm out towards Ellie. "The leader of the WLF was pissed, because I tried to break out. I killed several doctors, so he took matters into his own hands. He took us into some showers, and then tried to get the information by force," Y/N recalled, taking a shaky breath. "He didn't torture me, he just calmly got my attention, and then raised Dina's arm. He knew she wasn't immune, but he still got her infected just to get answers out of me."

Y/N didn't meet Ellie's eyes, he just looked down at Alice as she came back with the ball. He pat the dog's head, sad eyes staying away from the other two. "I killed him, I hadn't felt that angry in a while. Dina she... she didn't want to turn. She didn't want to become an infected," Y/N ended his story, the rest the other two could interpret. Ellie seemed stunned, her eyes had tears forming in the sides of them. Y/N looked back up to her, seeing Joel turn his head as well. "Ellie..." Y/N began, but his voice trailed off. The woman just turned and ran off, doing whatever she could to get away from Y/N. "Ellie!" Joel called after her, getting up to go after her. "Joel. Give her some time," Y/N said, hopping out of his chair.

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