Prt 2 worst day ever

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Recap kaniya just told star off
Star POV
Tht bitch better recognize who she talking to cause if she keep it up the floor will be red instead of white ok

Beauty POV
She got one more time to call me out my name when she do it ima be the first person to jump on her ass fawwk u mean

Babydoll POV
I like her we can be friends shit those two are hoes they cheating on their boyfriends and they are pregnant they only with them for the money shit ik how to keep my legs close
Lolo POV
I'm just here cause my man is here I'm not trying to start no drama with nobody

Star baby
Ray yea
Star I'm pregnant
Ray really......yea I'm going to be a father
Beauty I'm am to
Chres it ain't mine cause I wrapped it up
Ray matter of fact I did to do u have been cheating
Star no
Babydoll stop lying just tell them they may want to help with the bby
Star + beauty we r pregnant and its both yours but the bby father doesn't want to be in their life so will you help us plzz
Ray fuck no it's not mine so no
Chres .... Yes I will help you but you have to stay here and try to get along with my sister
Beauty ughh.... Fine
..........................🕚next day🕚..............
Kaniya pov
So I wake up to trap queen and I start dancing doing the choreography that I learned off YouTube (mm) and then I hopped in the shower and I was still dancing I was happy today for some reason (gco)
Kaniya DO IT

Beauty POV
Well I hopped up and went upstairs in here room notice tht it was really pretty then slapped her in her face. yepp I did it

Kaniya POV
Ohhhh fuck no she didn't just touch me with her crusty hands
K: did u just touch me with ur crusty ass hands(chuckles) did u is tht what u just did
B:yup sure did wh-(GCO by kamiya snatching her weave out ) owww your hurting me.. I'm pregnant help me...CHRES HELP!!!!!!
K: naww u want slap me slap,me now slap me now...its to early for this u bald headed bitch
Chres: what happened y are u hurting her she may not be mine but ima treat it likes its mine.😡😤
Chres: where am I supposed to go
K: IDK...and really don't care I will call u to tell when ur dad is here alright
Chres: man ( mumbles) fuck that bitch😡😤
....................................After they left....................................................................
Chres pov
Well we went to like a hotel or something and beauty is talking about how she doesn't want me to talk to kaniya or nothing like tht I mean kaniya is sexy...WAIT THTS MY SOON TO BE SISTER.....but no lie tho her ass is bigger then beauty's and her boobs are bigger then beauty's. Beauty is talking to me but I'm listening
Beauty: are u even listing to me
Chres: yea
................................With kaniya.............................................................................
Time to go to school I don't have friends cuz I am a quiet person at school I am a whole different person there if I was who I am at school I would be suspended basically everyday😂😈..but yea so I put this on (mm) now off to school
Well I go to go to school I don't want to go tho but I have to I wore cargo shorts black and white shirt a gold Rolex black and white elite socks and My black and white roshes and I was out and yes I kno where the chop, is I went there before my dad met km.
===================🏫At school🏫============================
I was at school and guess who I saw Chres and his hoes how come I NVER noticed him thts right I don't have friends😂😈 so as I was walking to my locker guess who stops me...
Beauty: stay away from my man
If u guessed beauty ur were right
Kaniya: um last time I checked he was becoming my brother so I don't want him and I don't want him tht is incest even tho he really isn't my brother
Beauty : just no I have my ways I can get u at anytime just watch ur back
Kaniya: I got hands and u can get ur ass beat idc if u r pregnant

So while I was walking to my class I saw timar and he saw me to and he came up to me and tried to kiss me like no nigga
Timar: y u do tht???
Kaniya: cuz I don't know where ur lips have been- wait yes I do they have been on some hoe pussy named Keisha
Timar: what??
Kaniya: don't act stupid D.A ( dumbass)
With tht I ran to my class sat down in my seat and then my day went from bad to worst cuz chres and his little hoes were in here y I NVER noticed?? Another story for another time
What did beauty mean by Kaniya should watch her back
Why didn't kaniya notice chres and his hoes

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