Sam took a step toward me, and I took a step back. I saw a quick flash of hurt on his face before it was replaced by a mask of determination.

“I don’t think it is a good idea to wait anymore. She needs to know the dangers and how to protect herself. The baby will be here soon and she needs time to prepare. She can handle this” Sam said to everyone else in the room but he didn’t take his eyes off me.

    “What do you guys want with my baby? You’ll never get your hands on her, I’ll die before that happens.” I was starting to hyperventilate. My eyes scanned the room, wondering if I would be able to outrun them. Probably not. Mark, Sam, and Vince were in great shape, the other man who still remained silent looked like he could bench press a bus. 

    “She’s not ready, look at how she’s reacting.” The woman said with a sneer.

“Give her a break Beth, we haven’t even told her anything. She was just attacked and we’re not being all that friendly right now.” Sam almost shouted at her.

Beth flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder but didn’t say anything. They all stared at me, Mark seemed a little tense like he was expecting me to run. After a moment of silence I realized that they were expecting me to say something.

“What’s going on?” I asked, hating how my voice shook.

Sam took a few steps and when I didn’t back up, he took my hand. “We have something to tell you. Normally we wouldn’t admit this to a human, but your baby changes that.” I tried to take my hand out of his but he held on tight. “Please know that we are only telling you this because you can trust us.”

I closed my eyes, trying to gather any type of bravery I could muster up. “Sam, just tell me. I don’t like this suspense.”   

    “We’re vampires.” Sam said.

    I thought maybe I hadn’t heard him right. “What, so all of you are vampires?”

    Sam nodded. “Yes. Well, except Brian,” he nodded toward the silent man in the corner. “He’s a werewolf.”

    I must be hallucinating. Maybe I was in a coma, the damage to my brain making me crazy while doctors in the hospital worked on my real body trying to bring me back. Or maybe Sam was crazy and belonged to one of those groups of people who drink blood because they’re obsessed with vampires.

    My brain was busy coming up with all kinds of explanations for what I had just heard. Several scenarios were plausible, but it didn’t stop the laughter I felt coming. I walked the short distance to one of the chairs and sat down before I let my hysterics consume me.

    I laughed until tears were streaming down my cheeks. No one said anything while I was acting completely crazy, and as much as I tried, I couldn’t stop. After what seemed like forever, I finally got control of myself. 

    “Okay, so what’s really going on?” I asked.

    “I’m telling you the truth Viv. I want to explain everything that has happened over the past year or so.” Sam said.

    “This isn’t funny Sam!” I said, getting angry. “If you’re not going to be honest with me, I’m leaving. I don’t have time for this.”

    Movement in my peripheral vision caught my eye. I turned my head in time to see Beth rushing at me, her face transformed into something I’ve only ever seen in nightmares. Her eyes looked wild and were completely black and her mouth was open revealing long fangs. My entire body, including my brain, froze before everything went black.


We're finally getting some action! Lol. I've always disliked books where the main character accepts supernaturals like "oh okay" and everything is fine. I personally would be freaking out and I wanted Viv's reaction to be more realistic.

Also, like I've said before I've been working on this book for quite a few years. I had started it on google docs and my computer and then my computer crashed. I thought I had lost it but when I downloaded the google docs ap on my phone earlier this year, the story was saved in the cloud. I was so happy and decided to finish it. This is the first chapter that I wrote after recovering it, so if the writing style is different that's because it's been many years.

Also, I started a new position at work and the hours are crazy so I'm trying to update regularly. I'm still writing on google doc and I have about 10 more chapters done that I need to edit and publish. I'm nearing the end of the book where everything starts getting crazy and happening fast. Once I'm completely finished I'll be uploading chapters every couple of days so I can finally mark it as complete.

I do have the next two books in this series planned, along with two others. I'm not sure what I want to write next. One is set in the future filled with government corruption, the other is kind of like a reverse billionaire romance.

Also, I prefer writing from Viv's POV but I know a lot of authors swap between characters. Just trying to get a feel for what readers like, so comment if you prefer one POV or multiple.

Thanks again for reading and hit that vote button if you would freak if you found out supes were real.

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