Caught In The Act 1

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“BYE, B!!” Darington waved his boyfriend goodbye as he went out the door. “Me and P are going shopping!!”

“Bye,” Blaze waved the stunt truck in return.

As soon as he was gone, Stunt Kitty came over to the red truck, holding a piece of paper in her mouth. Blaze turned to her and sighed.

“He forgot his shopping list, didn’t he?”

Stunt Kitty nodded. Blaze sighed and took the shopping list before keeping it.

“We’ll worry about that later. Come on, AJ and my family are coming in a few days, so let’s clean the place up first,”


The feeling of dread made Crusher’s stomach churn since Pickle told him to get out of the house and go grocery shopping.

Someone had come that day. Pickle let them in then shoved Crusher out before he could get a good look on who it was, yelling at him and telling him to go shopping.

Yeah, that didn’t made it obvious that whoever it was, Pickle didn’t want him to see or know who it was.

He soon made his way back to his and Pickle’s apartment. From the door, he could hear another voice laughing through. He froze, finding the voice familiar as his tire hovered over the doorknob.

That can’t be.

No, it can’t.

He expected Pickle to do it with anyone.


Just not… HIM.

He turned the doorknob and pushed the door open as fast as he could. He followed the voices towards the living room, and once he got there, his eyes widened as he froze in the spot.


It can’t be.

But it is.

And the proof is right HERE.



Pickle and Darington jumped to see the dark blue truck drop his shopping bags and stare at the duo. Crusher was tearing waterfalls as he watched them.

“P-Pickle… you… you’re with him…?”

“Uh, yeah,” Pickle sighed and stood up from the couch. “Come on, Crusher, I know that you’re smarter than you look,”

“I… I expected the cheating,” Crusher hissed. “But what I DIDN’T expect is for YOU to cheat on me for MY OWN BROTHER!!”

“Eh, I’m better than you,” Darington chuckled with a grin. “You know that,”

“Look, Crusher, I’ve been falling out of love, and Darry’s right,” Pickle smirked. “He is WAY better, nicer, cuter and more amazing than YOU can ever be!”

“Pickle...” Crusher blinked in shock. “You… He...”

“Ugh,” Pickle scoffed and grabbed some luggages. “Just freaking get out of here, already,”

“What…?” Crusher’s eyes widened. “But… this is my house!”

“Not anymore,” Pickle smirked and threw the luggages towards him. “Get OUT!”

“And take your cat with you!” Darington threw the dark blue cat towards Crusher. “I mean, ew, the only cat I bought was Stunt Kitty, and she’s orange, better than this little kitty cat,”

“Hey!” Crusher snarled, taking the cat into his tires. “How DARE you?! I can’t believe YOU of all trucks would date my boyfriend!! I thought you were my brother!!”

“Just because we were adopted by the same father and mother, it doesn’t mean I would ever be your brother,” Darington huffed. “Now GET OUT!!”

Crusher stared at him in disbelief before sighing. He let Moonstar sit on his head then he grabbed his luggages and turned. Before he could, he overheard the two having a conversation.

“What if he tells Blaze?” Pickle asked with a worried hiss.

“Don’t worry, P,” Darington grinned. “Blaze would NEVER believe him. He’s such a liar, a cheater and a loser that NO ONE would believe ANYTHING he said!”

That was about what made Crusher break. He left the house with a zoom and a dash, shutting the door behind him. He zoomed to the streets and towards the park, falling to his tires as soon as he reached the large tree.

“I can’t believe this...” he sobbed, hugging his luggages. “They… Darry… Pickle… I can’t believe they’d both do this...”

Moonstar hopped off his head and purred against him. He held her and smiled, letting his tears roll down his cheeks.

“I’m so sorry for this, girl...” he spoke with a sniffle of his tears. “We’ll stay at the restaurant if you like… but it would probably be too busy and chaotic for ya, huh?”

“Meow,” Moonstar nodded and licked his nose.

“Hihi,” Crusher giggled and kissed her forehead. “How about here, under this tree? Is it any better?”

“Meow-Meow!” Moonstar nodded and purred.

“Then I guess this tree would be our new home,”

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