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Cassiopeia finished her book and tried to sleep, but she couldn't because of Sirius' loud snores.  So she decided to make her way downstairs onto the living room and watched the stars. It was about six when she went back up to the guest room.

Cassiopeia's time at the Potter's House went by quickly, the schedule was almost always the same. She spent most her time reading during the day and star watching during the night. One night everything was the same, she was downstairs watching the stars, when she heard someone's voice speak behind her. "What are doing up? Shouldn't you be in bed?" it was James. "I'm watching the stars." She replied. "I can see that, but why aren't you asleep?" He asks. "Sirius snores very loudly." She tells him. "Right, I forgot about that, we usually put a silencing charm on his bed because of his snoring." James tells her.  James grabbed Cassiopeia's hand and pulled her upstairs into his bedroom. "You can sleep in here, Cassie." He says. "I can't sleep in here, this is your room, I don't want to intrude you privacy." She says. "It's fine, just get some sleep, Cassie." He tells her. Cassiopeia slips under the covers, but keeps as far away from James she can without falling off the bed, soon finding herself drifting into unconsciousness.

Cassiopeia woke up in the muscular arms of James Potter, she felt comfortable in his arms, so she stayed for a few minutes, before coming to her senses and moving out if his arms, carefully not waking him. She went to the guest room and got some clothes to change into and headed to the bathroom and had a shower. After her shower she got dressed and headed downstairs to be greeted by the sweet smell of Euphemia's pancakes. "Good Morning, Dear, are you the only one up?" Euphemia asks. "I think so." Cassiopeia replies. "There some pancakes in the kitchen dear, help yourself." Euphemia tells her. Cassiopeia smiles at her politely and head to the kitchen and plates up two pancakes for herself and pours a drizzle of golden syrup onto them. She sits in the dining room as she eats her pancakes. As she finishes the last few fork fulls of her pancakes she sees James and Sirius enter with their own plates of pancakes. "Morning Cass." Sirius greets her. "Morning Cassie, sleep well?" James asks. "Yeah, Great, Thanks." Cassiopeia says, speeding out the room with her empty plate.  She took her plate back out to the kitchen and went back upstairs to read the book she was currently reading. She wanted to ask James to borrow one of his Shakespeare play scripts, but she didn't because she felt too nervous to ask him to borrow one of his things.

After half an hour if reading she was interupted by Sirius. "I'm going grocery shopping with Euphemia, so it'll just be you and James for a couple hours, don't just stay in here, talk to him, don't let him get bored, bad stuff happens when he's bored and I don't want to be a victim to one of his pranks. Alright?" He told her. She sighed and nodded. She felt a tingly feeling in her heart knowing she and James were going to be alone together for the next couple hours. She took her book down stairs to the sitting room where James was sat. Euphemia and Sirius had just left and James was pestering Cassiopeia for her attention already. He was poking her cheek currently. "Casssiieee" He whined. She was tired if his pestering and whining. "What James?" She said, snapping slightly. "I'm borreddd." James whined. "What do you want me to do about it?!" She snapped again. "Entertain meee" he whined. "How do you want me to entertain you?" Cassiopeia had given up on being mad. James grinned evily. He grabbed her book, losing teh page she was on. "James!!! My page!!" She yelled at him, as he laughed. He was running around the house, with Cassiopeia chasing him. After about 10 minutes of running they both collapsed onto the couch. Both panting. "I hate you, Potter." Cassiopeia got out through breaths. 'No I dont' She thought. James helped Cassiopeia find her page and they sat reading together. Cassiopeia couldn't help but blush slightly as her heart skipped a beat everytime her and James hands brushed against eachother. Cassiopeia didn't know why she did this and tried to figure it out in her head  she got lost in thought and hadn't heard James saying her name. He place his hand gently on her shoulder, schocking her. "James!" She huffed. "I said your name like 20 times, you were lost in your head. What were you thinking about?" He asked. "Nothing." She replied. 'you..' She thought. The put the book down and spoke to eachother. The got to know eachother better, told stories, some embarrassing some not, they laughed together. "So, why exactly did you run away? If I may ask." James had finally asked the question that had been on his mind since the day she had arrived. "Well...I had a deal with my parents.. they were going to break it..." She said simply. "That's it? No details of what the deal was or anything? Or are you not comfortable sharing.." he said. "I was going to be the perfect daughter they wanted, I'd even get the cursed dark mark, if they'd let me marry who and when I choose. I overheard them talking about marrying me off once I've gotten the dark mark, I had to get out if there.. I don't want to marry one of my best friends just be cause my parents want me to, I want to marry for love. I'm not bothered with keeping a pure blood status, I'd marry a Muggle if I loved them." She told him. The to sat in silence for about 10 minutes before Cassiopeia decided to break it. She started giggling as she took James'glasses of his head. James pinned her down to the couch to get his glasses back, but paused where he was.  Cassiopeia could feel James breath on her face. She could feel his gaze on her lips.

Left it on a cliffhanger for y'all, next Chapter will be out soon. I hope y'all are well, Thanks for reading.

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